Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Elvis In Ybor City

Elvis Piggott
He wants to be our County Commissioner
Check him out here

Florida Pays $5 Million For Website

And then don't use it
The Florida Senate is refusing to turn over dozens of emails involving a state budget website that was shuttered despite taxpayers paying $5 million for it so far. here
Hell, we could of done it for half that much!

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Cliff
He is from Largo

Marco Rubio's Co-Sponsorship Of Controversial Opioids Bill

Marco Rubio isn’t saying much about his role in passage of a controversial law that former Drug Enforcement Agency officials said tied their hands from cracking down on drug distribution companies that sent millions of opioids to corrupt doctors and Internet pharmacies. here

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We are not "Pay to Play" We will not post good things about you or trash your opposition just because you pay us. 
Political candidates, if we don't like you don't bother asking (ie. GOP, Corporate Dems)  We have been at it since 2003 and have never jeopardize our integrity and never will.
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Watching The Right Wing Since 3.19.03

Monday, October 23, 2017

Trumpstank Could Doom The Republican Party In Florida

Florida GOP Strategist Rick Wilson

We first posted this video (Florida Trump Supporters) on May 21, 2017. We knew we would need it again someday!

Stories of Pride Fundraiser for Hurricane Victims In St. Pete

10.24 - 5:30 PM
NOVA 535

Florida GOP Trying To Steal Santa Rosa Island

Save Pensacola Beach is an effort to stop one of the largest public land/beach grabs in Florida’s state modern history. This theft of Public Land sets a nightmare precedent for publicly owned land in our country. Public Land belongs to the public, and we believe Public servants are charged with protecting this land not stealing it from the citizens of Escambia County, Florida as recorded deeds declare in the public record of 1947.
The Escambia County Commissioners, working with Rep. Matt Gaetz and Sen. Marco Rubio, are trying to amend the original 1946 federal law that gave Santa Rosa Island to the citizens of Escambia County with two requirements: it must be used “in the public’s interest” and it could never be sold, conveyed, or disposed of, except back to the federal government.
They seek to convey ownership of the island worth billions of dollars currently under lease to PRIVATE individual and business leaseholders.

Call Senator Nelson now 202-224-5274