Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sen. Dodd Comments After the FISA Victory

Progress Energy Signs Contract For Second Waste-Wood Plant

BG&E, based in Atlanta, Ga., plans to build a power plant in north or Central Florida that will use waste wood products -- such as yard trimmings, tree bark and wood knots from paper mills -- to create electricity. It would generate about 75 megawatts, or enough electricity to power 46,000

Federal Judge Throws Out Florida Voting Law

A federal judge ordered state election officials to stop enforcing a 2-year-old voter registration law, ruling Tuesday afternoon that there is already proof that the change put in place by the GOP-controlled Florida Legislature has resulted in actual harm to real
Greg Palast: “The 2008 Election Has Already Been Stolen”

Monday, December 17, 2007


Barack Obama's rise in the polls has many pundits comparing him to JFK. But maybe he's just a more charismatic Howard
"Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line."

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Howard Dean Looking Good In Guam

"This party is a party that includes everybody and Guam is not going to be an exception. One of the first things I did when I was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee was make sure that territories had the same voting power as states,"

Tackle Sprawl Or Voters Will

With a public fuming over congestion and sprawl, state planners and legislative leaders are again seeking ways to better manage Florida's growth. But unlike years past -- when politicians and planners passed tough growth laws only to water them down afterward
they're up against a possible public

The Shameless Self-Promoter At The Tampa Convention Center

Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Speech at Free Indoor Event, Saturday December 15, 2007
Who's up for some peaceful but spirited protest? Contact Mike Fox

Clinton Accuses Obama Of Being Too Liberal

Using a curious tactic in a Democratic primary season dominated by liberals, Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday accused Barack Obama of being too far left to be elected president -- citing a decade-old questionnaire indicating Obama once opposed the death penalty and backed socialized
The Democratic Wing Of The Democratic Party.