Thursday, January 17, 2008

Off Rob Lorei's Bookshelf

Mirage: Florida and the Vanishing Water of the Eastern U.S.
Cynthia Barnett

Part investigative journalism, part environmental history, Mirage reveals how the eastern half of the nation---historically so wet that early settlers predicted it would never even need irrigation---has squandered so much of its abundant fresh water that it now faces shortages and conflicts once unique to the arid

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Huckabee: Amend Constitution to Reflect God's Standards

Ann Wright Is Coming To Clearwater

Saturday, January 26th, 7:30pm
Clearwater Unitarian Universalist Church, 2470 Nursery Road, Clearwater

Clinton, Obama Spar Over Florida

Is Hillary Clinton breaking her pledge not to campaign in Florida? Democratic rival Barack Obama raised the question - even though he insists Florida's vote won't matter - one day after a poll showed him 21 points behind in the state. An Obama campaign memo Tuesday pointed to "signs that she may be planning to campaign in the state, inquiring about large venues and increased organizing activity." In fact, the Clinton campaign inquired Tuesday if the Miami Beach Convention Center will be available for a "rally" on Jan. 27, two days before the state holds its earliest primary in

Democracy Now! Re-Hosts NBC Las Vegas Debate

Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich was missing from the stage at last night’s Democratic debate hosted by MSNBC in Las Vegas after he lost a last-minute legal fight with the network over his participation. Democracy Now! decided to break the sound barrier and give Kucinich a chance to take part. In an exclusive broadcast, we re-broadcast excerpts of the debate and give the Ohio Congressman a chance to answer the questions he might have faced if he hadn’t been


Tampa Bay Blvd. And Dale Mabry Hwy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Kucinich Is The Candidate You Are Not Suppose To Talk About

I am speechless at the banning of Kucinich from NBC Debate tonite by the Nevada Supreme Court a few minutes ago. An outrage and a real loss for democracy. It is another example of corrupt, corporate control of politics that makes Democrats and Republicans sound and act so alike. Any dissenting candidate that can threaten the corporate bottom line will be marginalized and

David Barsamian To Speak In Tampa

Hear David Barsamian speak live at the Musicale in a benefit for WMNF! Before David speaks we'll have the Tampa Bay area premiere of the film Meeting Resistance.
Friday Jan 18 07:00PM -- Friday Morning Musicale
Buy Tickets

Florida's Natural To Save Energy With Solar Panels

The power of the sun is now helping the operation of the visitor center of Florida's Natural in Lake Wales. Solar panels were installed a little more than a week ago on the roof of the Grove House which will save an estimated 30 percent of energy

Stop Eating At Burger King

Burger King is telling suppliers it may stop buying tomatoes from southwestern Florida, where farmworkers have fought to get the second-largest hamburger chain to pay more for its produce and help boost field-worker wages. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers has tried for more than a year to get Burger King Corp. to join deals signed by rivals McDonald's Corp. and Taco Bell owner Yum Brands