Monday, May 28, 2012

March On The RNC

20,000 Political Prisoners Arrested in Tampa

Like the other 19,999 prisoners that were rounded up and taken away, I had no idea what hit me until the moment the trap was sprung and I certainly had no idea that I had unwillingly participated in helping the government round up thousands of my fellow Domestic Belligerents…until it was too late.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa

President Obama and the Fight for LGBT Rights

Glee star Jane Lynch narrates this documentary about LGBT rights in America. The video features a candid interview with President Obama, who speaks about the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, why he supports marriage equality, and what's at stake for the LGBT community in this election.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Something Yummy
At The Yummy House, 2620 E. Hillsborough Avenue, Tampa
Eat Local!

Rick Scott's Florida Unemployment Reform Shortchanges The Jobless

Two legal groups want the federal government to investigate Florida's treatment of jobless workers following reforms that made the Sunshine State's unemployment insurance program the stingiest in the nation.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Lonnie
He is a local. He has been homeless 19 years.

Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park

Finding Tampa

Friday, May 25, 2012

Florida Governor Purges Voters From Voting Rolls

Governor Rick Scott is questioning the eligibility of the thousands of Florida voters, but his methods are being questioned by officials on both sides of the aisle.