Friday, April 28, 2017

May Day In Ybor City

5.1 - 5 PM
Sociedad La  Union Marti Maceo Cuban Club

Local Artist: Art Keeble

Saturday morning market, Ybor city
Buy it here

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Donated $250,000 To Trump

The Jacksonville Jaguars 1 million. Remember this next time they come begging taxpayers for money. here
IE: On Oct. 14, 2016, the Nevada state legislature approved the largest taxpayer subsidy in American sports history. As long as the NFL allowed the Oakland Raiders to move to Las Vegas, taxpayers would fork over $750 million to help fund a new $1.9 billion stadium adjacent to the Vegas strip. here
Note: I have been a OAKLAND Raiders fan for over 50 years!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Palomilla Steak
With Rice, Caldo Gallego and Tostones
At Ruben's Cubans in Temple Terrace

Florida GOP Next Scheme

It's called Project Majority Red 
They hope to wipe out as much Democratic blue in the state as they can by winning the U.S. Senate seat held by Democrat Bill Nelson. The GOP also wants the next governor to be Republican. 
They're hoping letters will be the key to winning those seats.
“There’s a third of the voters in Florida, or 30 percent, have gone NPA, so it's a big segment and growing,” said Rep. Francis Rooney of Naples.
Rooney believes it's important to win over those voters. here

People's Climate March Tampa Bay

4.29 - 10AM
Gaslight Square Park - Tampa

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Hillsborough County Air Dangerous To Your Health

 A new report released by the American Lung Association warns Hillsborough County residents the air they breathe may put their health at risk. here

Feds Clear The Way For Texas To Destroy The Everglades

A federal judge cleared the way for a Texas company to expand oil exploration in the Big Cypress National Preserve. The destruction has already begun. They’re cutting down trees and creating ruts. You can see the impacts on the soil and those do not go away. There will be lasting impacts on a large portion 
of the preserve. here

Read more here:

Read more here:

Florida Voters Taking It Deep

Florida voters who heartily approved important amendments to the state Constitution can only wonder how the will of the people is being strangled by the obstructionist toils of the Republican-led Legislature. here
Amendment to expand access to medical marijuana, approved last November by 71 percent of the voters, Republican lawmakers are proposing tighter rules on doctors’ prescriptions, as well as other obstacles for patients who want to use medical marijuana.
Amendment to expand the use of solar power, which drew 73 percent approval last year, has been met by a raft of obstructionist proposals that would bog down rooftop solar installation. They include rules language drafted by the state’s major utility, Florida Power & Light.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pepper Steak with Rice
At New China in Temple Terrace