Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Straz Resolves to Buy Tampa Mayorship

Tampa mayoral hopeful David Straz, who was awarded an ambassadorship but has never held elective office, will unleash a torrent of cash in an effort to become the next mayor of Tampa, according to longtime political insiders in this town.

The whisper number is $2 million, a ton of dough for a guy with name recognition but a pittance for a privileged man of wealth . If he does spend anywhere near that figure, it might stand as a national record for a city this size

win or lose.

The daunting war chest is so many nickels to a billionaire. He announced this week that he added $10,000 to the already $100,000 in rewards for information leading to the arrest of the Seminole Heights serial killer. That equates to 50 cents for the average person; do the math. And the publicity he reaped from the area's most prominent fake news source won't be reflected as a campaign expense.

Apparently Straz and his brain trust aren't worried about peaking too early. The election is in March, 2019; the new mayor takes office on Apr. 1, 2019--496 days from now. That's an eternity for an insulated elitist unaccustomed to answering for past pronouncements, prior political proclivities, and public policy plans.

There will be candidate debates, community forums, and challenging questions from both the mainstream press and internet bloggers. Straz will be forced to appear in sections of Tampa he has never set foot in.

His life and associations, past and present,

will be an open book.

The race will have national implications as supporters of Donald Trump and his Trojan horses attempt to pick off big city, local races. See Rick Baker.

Straz voted for Trump in 2016 but now that he is running for mayor in a predominantly Democratic city, he has declared he won’t vote for Trump in 2020. That shabby, comic declaration illustrates his disdain for the electorate.

Straz better get used to the forbidding glare of the spotlight. Even $10 million won't help him cope with those demands.

Mountains of dinero haven't run off potential opposition : city council members Harry Cohen and Mike Suarez, former County Commissioner and civic activist Ed Turanchik, and former Police Chief Jane Castor remain strong possibilities, according to their supporters.

By Jim Bleyer - Tampa Bay Beat

Florida Corporate Democrats Running Scared

It seems the left has the corporate overlords of the Florida Democratic Party running scared. With progressives winning a special state senate election, an important mayor's race, passing progressive resolutions and rewriting policies on consultant contracts. 
They have pushed Stephen Bittel
(Which the FDP should of taken care of a long time ago)
and Sally Boynton Brown out.
They are already on the move. This from 
Ty Javellana, Statewide Organizer at 
Gwen Graham for FL

"(Corporate Dem) Alma Gonzalez Dnc Florida is whispered to be a prospective candidate for the Florida Democratic Party Chairmanship. If she chooses to toss her hat in the ring, we wish her good luck. Alma would be a great Chair of the FDP. She would have my support." 
Her cover photo on Facebook was one of her and Ms. Graham (Not the one above)which she has changed and apparently deleted.
Update 11.21

Hillsborough’s Alma Gonzalez to run for FDP Chair

"We have been given a voice within the party for the first time in my nearly 12 years of involvement. If that voice is again marginalized, and if Sally leaves, I'm not sure I will continue in my role with the caucus." Susan Smith

Join the conversation here
Cheer up comrades, change is in the air. Let them and their followers (Locally you know who you are) continue their losing ways, In the end, we will prevail. 
Update: One so called progressive and two corporate Hillsbough County Dems are working for a Trump supporter for mayor of Tampa.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Kerstion, again

Hillsborough County Dems, Greens, NPA Vote

How does this happen? 
The Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners today selected Commissioner GOP Sandra L. Murman as chairman, and Commissioner GOP Victor D. Crist as vice chairman, during their annual organizational meeting. Commissioner GOP Stacy White will serve as chaplain. Source
Hillsborough County Registered Voters
Dems: 322,352
Other: 240,736
GOP: 263,278

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Smothered Pork Chop
With Rice, Collard Greens and Corn Bread
At The Open Cafe in Tampa

MLB And Ken Hagan's Fleecing Of Hillsborough County

Hillsborough County taxpayers, take a look around.  If you can’t find the sucker, it’s you.
Anyone favoring a new taxpayer-funded stadium for the Tampa Bay Rays is either in the cabal of grifters that will share in the $600M+ windfall or baseball aficianados that have bought into the sport’s bribery/blackmail playbook.
It’s a game plan designed to enrich team owners, local real estate interests, bond attorneys, and public officials who expedite the travesty.  In Tampa, that public official is Hillsborough County Commissioner Ken Hagan who negotiated with landowners and the Rays in secret, then last week presented his fellow commissioners with what amounted to a fait accompli as to the new Rays site in Ybor City.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Shame On Guido Maniscalco

Democrats Yvonne Yolie Capin, Guido Maniscalco, and Frank Reddick are co-chairs of a movement to make a Trump supporter Mayor of Tampa.
We would expect this from Capin and Reddick. But Guido? We are very disappointed! We always thought he would be remembered for being the only dissenter on the 13-1 vote by the MPO on TBX back in 2015. 
We were wrong. 

He is no longer in our Circle of Trust!

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless living in Tampa

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Patients In Florida Wait Months For State Medical Marijuana ID Cards