Thursday, December 7, 2017

Andrew Gillum In Tampa Tomorrow

8 AM
Oxford Exchange

Ybor Paparazzi

Local Treasure Ericka Leigh
Check out her bow ties here

Florida Keys Sheriff Rick Ramsay In Violation Of The U.S. Constitution

Relying on an out-of-date federal detainer form, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office is locking up immigrants in violation of the U.S. Constitution, the American Civil Liberties Union and two other groups say. here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Loky
He is from Largo

Tampa Books To Prisoners

Visit them here

Trouble For HART LX360

25 Minutes late to it's next destination 
Crosstown Expressway 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Organize Florida - Tampa Bay Protest In Tarpon Springs

Gus Bilirakis office

Local Treasures Jodi and Debbie

Delivering letters

Got this pic of the lady working at his office before she threw me out threatening to call security. She followed me outside asking to see my drivers licence and my name. Two guys did show up on golf carts. One of them told me she wanted the pics I took inside deleted.

Join them here

Ed Turanchik For Mayor Of Tampa

"Six months ago, the answer was no. I’ve moved a bit on that topic and I’m actively taking a look at it and 
thinking about it." 
Write him, ask him to think harder!