Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Candy Lowe Holiday Black Business Bus Tour!

Join Ms. Lowe and DPCTB 
President Jessica Vaughn 
December 16th on 
Candy Lowe's
 Holiday Black Business Bus Tour! 
Staging begins at 8:00 am at Bounce Boy Fun Factory, 5008 10th Ave, Tampa, Fl (Corner of 
Columbus Dr & 50th St).
Buses leave promptly at 9am. For more info click here or call (813)787- 6652 
or (813)394 - 6363

Millennials For Net Neutrality In Tampa

Asher and crew
South Dale Mabry

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Sonny

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tampa Paparazzi

Friends in Tampa, Florida

David Straz's Self-Serving Operatives

The sweet smell of money is an aphrodesiac to political operatives whose main focus is to sell hope to a hopeless candidate, not trying to elect the poor schmuck.
I talked to Straz at his open to the public spaghetti dinner Sunday at the Italian Club in Tampa.  Outside of a couple of media people, it was south Tampa socialites mixing with longtime political grifters. 
But there’s a ton of money at stake for these operatives who have to do nothing more than stroke the ego of a 75-year-old elitist who supported Donald Trump and propagandize to the gullible.  
Three city council members have sold their political futures in backing the farcical Straz candidacy: Yolie Capin, Frank Reddick, and Guido Maniscalco.
By Jim Bleyer - Tampa Bay Beat

The Merchants Of Ybor

Tabanero Cigars

Enthusiastic Trump Supporter Ron DeSantis

 He is expected to launch a Republican bid for Florida governor in 2018. He flew with Trump on Air Force One from Washington to Pensacola.
He tweeted: Great ride to Pensacola! Thanks to @realDonaldTrump for the lift! here

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Monday, December 11, 2017

We Found Another Nice HART Driver

He took me from South Tampa to downtown on LX360. Good morning and have a good day to everyone who entered and left his bus. 

Protest Vote to Gut Net Neutrality In Tampa

12.12 - 11 AM
South Dale Mabry and Swann Ave