Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ghost Hunters - The Cuban Club Reveal

Ybor City

Friends Of Stogie

In Tampa

Biologists Worry About Oil Spill’s Effects On Nesting Sea Turtles

With the oil spill casting a shadow of danger, turtles begin making nests. Wildlife officials are cautiously waiting to see what impact the Deepwater Horizon oil spill will have on sea turtles as their nesting season gets under

HART Named The Best Transit Agency in North America!

The American Public Transportation Association (APTA), awarded Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) with being the Outstanding Public Transit System of the Year for

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dennis Hopper

May 17, 1936 – May 29, 2010

Brad Pitt For President

His Platform? Legalizing Marijuana
Is President Obama going to turn the White House over… to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie? He just might, according to preposterous rumors floated by Showbiz Spy and
He's got my vote!

Tampa To Work On Boosting Ties To Cuba

Saying it will boost the city's economy, the City Council on Thursday agreed to bring together local and national officials to work on a plan for improving Tampa's relations with

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tampa Bay Living Green Expo

Saturday and Sunday, June 5-6
At The Historic St. Petersburg Coliseum Mirror Lake Complex

Political Intent

Charlie Crist flips on his 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' position

Captain Duck Is Suing British Petroleum

Saying the oil company giant is responsible for his small charter boat business losing tourist customers in Key West. Michael J. Burge, who goes by the nickname Captain Duck, said it's the "perception" that has cost him significant snorkeling, diving, fishing and dolphin encounter business over the past few

BP, Oil, and My Beautiful Florida

Florida waters filled with oil, sludge, and tar balls is something I simply can not forgive. For me, there is insufficient punishment for allowing something like this to

Special Event With Kevin Beckner & Steve Kornell

Thursday, June 3rd - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What BP Does Not Want You To See

ABC News went underwater in the Gulf with Philippe Cousteau Jr., grandson of famous explorer Jacques Cousteau, and he described what he saw as "one of the most horrible things I’ve ever seen underwater." Please share this widely -- every American should see what's happening under the surface in the Gulf

Urge President Obama

To Permanently End His Push For New Offshore Drilling.
Sign The Petition

Progress Florida Has Launched A New Website.