Thursday, April 11, 2013

Florida: Teachers From Hell

Florida has the scariest schoolteachers in the United States
Stories about teachers who allegedly do terrible things to students seem to be entirely too common across the country these days. In some ways, it’s not fair to pick on Florida. In other ways, it’s totally fair because tales of teachers behaving badly seem to come from the state continuously.
Pic thanks to Sun Sentinel

Stogie Recommends

The Descendants
The Descendants is a 2011 American drama film directed by Alexander Payne. The screenplay by Payne, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash is based on the novel of the same name by Kaui Hart Hemmings. The film stars George Clooney, Shailene Woodley, Beau Bridges, Judy Greer, Matthew Lillard and Robert Forster, and was released by Fox Searchlight Pictures in the United States on November 18, 2011

Republicans Call for Tougher Sanctions on Beyoncé

Arguing that their recent trip to Cuba had made them “America’s No. 1 national-security threat,” a group of Republican lawmakers today called for tougher sanctions on the entertainers Beyoncé and Jay-Z. “We must send a strong message to Beyoncé and Jay-Z that the United States of America will not tolerate this kind of provocation,” said Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Florida), who blamed President Obama for “permitting the crisis to escalate dangerously.” “While the President has allowed himself to be distracted by North Korea, Beyoncé and Jay-Z were engaged in threatening activities right in our own hemisphere,” he said, charging the President with being “soft on Beyoncé.” Echoing his sentiments, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen called for the “toughest economic sanctions possible to isolate the growing threat posed by Beyoncé and Jay-Z.”
White House spokesman Jay Carney cautioned that they would probably have little to no effect: “Right now, Jay-Z and Beyoncé have more money than the U.S. government does.”

Condolence To The Castors

Donald F. Castor, a former Hillsborough County judge
and father of U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, died Tuesday at age 81.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Deborah's Kiss-Off, Chick-fil-A Strawberry Milkshake

Take that homobigoted CEO, Dan Cathy ye mean-spirited, hate-group-supporting, Old-Testament-misquoting promotors of obesity and diabetes.

WMNF Tropical Heatwave Beer Launch Party

What a fun night to get you ready for WMNF's 32nd Annual Tropical Heatwave! The Independent Bar and Cafe' in Tampa will have live music by Alexander and the Grapes, Tropical Heatwave Beer Specials, prizes and more! And, there's no cover charge! Come meet other WMNF fans and raise a toast to Tropical Heatwave!

Che Must Be Rolling In His Grave

Cuba Turning Over Florida Couple and Children
Remember The Hakkens!

.Trinity Cafe of Tampa Feeding the Hungry and Homeless

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Kevin Beckner Wants To Hear from Residents

Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner, District 6, Countywide, is hosting office hours in the community one Wednesday every month in locations around the county. These events provide residents the opportunity to meet with the commissioner, one-on-one, to share ideas and voice concerns without having to travel to County Center in downtown Tampa. No appointment is necessary, and residents are seen on a first-come, first-served basis.

A New Bill In Florida Would Make ‘Revenge Porn’ A Felony

A new bill in Florida would make it a felony to publish online nude photos or videos of a person without his or her permission and with his or her identifying information. That's a step in the right direction towards slowing the proliferation of the exceedingly icky "revenge porn" Internet sewage spill.
Pic thanks to local porn star Brandon Areana.

Strip Club King: The Story of Joe Redner .

He dropped out of school in the 10th grade. He has been arrested 150 times. He earned his GED in jail at the age of 40. And he has run for local public office 8 times. Take a journey into the life and career of the man who came from poverty, got into the strip club business, ended up owning the most notorious strip club in the world, the Mons Venus, and then continued to build a real estate empire, became a multi-millionaire and a 1st Amendment freedom fighter. Described as the Larry Flynt of the South, Joe Redner is the classic American- Dream story come true. He has been called a pimp, patriot, intellectual, self- promoter, humanitarian, hypocrite, publicity hound, pig, exploiter, criminal, narcissist, hero and genius.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy Wedding Anniversary

Beyonce and Jay-Z tour Old Havana to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary.
The Miami Cuban Mafia was enraged over the trip and sent a letter to the Treasury Department official responsible for policing the embargo to demand to be told who approved the travel and for what purpose.
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (La Señora) raised the issue of the Carters' visit with the Obama administration, denouncing it as having provided sustenance to the "murderous" Castro regime.

They Say Tomato, I Say Morons

In case you aren't up to speed, the state House passed a bill on Thursday that allows parents to petition for a variety of overhauls if a local school is struggling. Yes, your state lawmakers are at it again. What's so bad about that, you ask? In theory, not a thing. Except every major parent group hates it. In California it has turned into an educational war zone. So if we can skip all of the minor details and skirmishes, the real issue is this legislation potentially allows public schools to be handed over to for-profit charter companies.
"I've never heard of making a profit being a bad thing, this is the United States of America.'' 
 Rep. George Moraitis R-Fort Lauderdale.
He's nailed his geography, but Moraitis might have an economics issue. Those profits he is so gleefully pushing toward out-of-state charter companies are supplied by your tax dollars. Tax dollars originally earmarked for your child's education, books, lunches and so on.

I Adore Anne Hathaway

Don't you just hate her? Hell hath no fury like a Hathahater
Is Anne Hathaway really deserving of all this venom? So why does the perky and supremely talented actress inspire such froth? Hathaway could simply be a victim of what the British call 'tall poppy syndrome' - the bloom that pokes above the others is the first to get cut.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Four People Dead On I95 Over A Traffic Infraction

The Miami Herald reports that an Opa-locka police officer initially attempted to pull over the SUV for a traffic infraction. The SUV's driver suffered two broken legs in the crash. He faces four counts of vehicular homicide. Opa-locka City Manager David Chiverton told the newspaper that the officer, Cpl. Sergio Perez, "cut off the pursuit and did not follow northbound the wrong way" when the SUV's driver drove into southbound traffic.
The Opa-locka Police Department prohibits officers from continuing a chase that goes against the flow of traffic. The department also only allows pursuits in the case of serious felonies such as murder, rape and robberies.
In a recording of a radio dispatch, Perez tells dispatchers that the SUV had driven into opposing traffic.
This guy is all over the road," Perez says in the recording. "Now he's going against traffic on I-95.
 We're going northbound in the southbound lanes."
Pic thanks to New Times
Why isn't Mr. Perez being charged with vehicular homicide?

My Name Is Joe Redner, And I Am Not For Sale

Good news on the local election front (unless you happen to be a candidate):
Joe Redner is seriously considering another run for office. So bring it on. We can only hope the city's best-known rabble-rouser, nose-thumber and kicker of shins will revive that campaign ad of him wrapped in the American flag with the slogan: My Name Is JOE REDNER, and I am NOT for sale.