Monday, April 15, 2013

The Stogie Rates HART Drivers

A - Exceptional     B - Good     C - Average     D - Poor    F - Find another job
#2290 - A
#1965 - C
# 2119 - A
# 1967 - B
# 3128 - B
# 3692 - A
#32388 - A

It's Miller Time

Hillsborough Commissioner Les Miller’s Redistricting Plan 
could result in the county’s first Latino representative. The plan will call for substituting one at-large commission seat, which is voted on by everyone in the county, with a new single-member district, which would be chosen only by residents of a specific area. That new district would be designed so that a Hispanic could run in it and win.
“The key to provide for equitable representation is to move away from county-wide districts and have seven single-member districts, where each neighborhood is represented by a commissioner, rather than these million-dollar races that put in so much special interest money that it really becomes prohibitive for someone from a socio-economic area to be able to win countywide,” says Chris Cano, vice chair for the Hillsborough County Democratic Hispanic Caucus and treasurer for the Hillsborough Hispanic Coalition.
Great Job Mr. Miller

Marco Rubio In New Ad

Gwen Graham Running For Congress In Florida

The daughter of Florida treasure Bob Graham
Bob Graham was a wildly popular Florida governor from 1979- 1987 when he was elected to the U.S. Senate, where he served until 2005. Previously he had been a state rep and a state senator-- and he never lost an election in his life. He was an environmental champion in a state where real estate developers had ruled the roost. In his last Senate campaign he kicked Republican Charlie Crist's ass 63-37%. Socially liberal and one of the few Senate Democrats to oppose Bush's war against Iraq.
more, Visit her website here

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stacy White: A Self-Described Conservative Christian

Currently A Hillsborough County School Board member  with plans to run for the Hillsborough County Commission.  He is a strong supporter of local bigots Terry Kemple, David Caton  and former Republican state Sen. Ronda Storms. He spoke at the 9/11 anniversary protest in downtown Tampa which also included Terry Kemple, He has also said he would have voted against a domestic partner registry to give unmarried couples, gay or straight, certain rights when it comes to their partners. Sue Carlton of the Tampa Bay Times has called him "A dimpled David Caton, he of the extreme causes, a less stormy Ronda Storms." One other Republican "Rick Cochran, a senior detective for the Tampa Police Department" is also running for this District 4 seat. He is also a self-described conservative Christian who was part of a Sept. 11 protest against allowing Council on American-Islamic Relations speakers in schools, headed up by activist Terry Kemple. Have Democrats ceded this eastern Hillsborough district?

JAY Z "Open Letter

St. Petersburg Free Clinic's Family Residence

You are invited to
St. Petersburg Free Clinic's Family Residence HOUSE WARMING
Sunday, April 14, 2013
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
431 11th Avenue South
here, Via Bartlett Park

Saturday, April 13, 2013

How to Help Ireland Nugent

Trinity Presbyterian Church "Ireland Nugent Fund
•Anyone can make an online donate using Paypal on the church's website. Donations will go toward the long term treatment and recovery of Ireland and her family. If you prefer to mail a check- Make it out to:
Trinity Presbyterian Foundation (with Ireland Nugent in the memo field)
Mail it to: Trinity Presbyterian Church, 2001 Rainbow Drive, Clearwater, FL, 33765
More ways to help here

The Citrus Taliban: Christian Coalition 2.0

Plan to Register Evangelical Christian And faithful Catholic Voters
Yesterday morning, Historic City News was notified that the Florida Faith and Freedom Coalition hosted a Legislative Prayer Breakfast in Tallahassee; Attorney General Pam Bondi, Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater, Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam, and Coalition Chairman Ralph Reed were in attendance.

Stogie Recommends

Habana Eva
Is a 2010 Venezuelan romantic comedy film directed by Fina Torres, starring Prakriti Maduro and Juan Carlos García and filmed in La Habana, Cuba. The film won the Best Picture award at the New York International Latino Film Festival on 2 August 2010. A rare look at  modern day Havana.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Darryl Rouson's Bong Bill

Efforts to legalize medical marijuana have gotten a lot of attention in Tallahassee this year. But that hasn’t slowed down a bill to ban bongs and other devices used to consume pot and other mind-bending substances. That bill is garnering overwhelming approval in the Florida Senate. Democratic Representative Darryl Rouson of St. Petersburg is the sponsor of the bill. 
What a waste of time, i make bongs out of empty beer cans, and this coming from a Democrat.

Who Will Run Against Ken Hagan

Ken Hagan hasn't attracted any opposition yet as he seeks a final term on the board in 2014 before having to leave due to term limits. But he's raising money like he expects not to walk through unopposed. Hagan, a Republican, has brought in $49,175 from 150 donors in his first quarter of campaigning. That's not quite don't-bother-getting-in-this-race money, but it's a decent showing for just more than a month of raising money.
Not surprising for an unabashed pro-development commissioner, much of the money comes from people in the construction or real estate business.

We Need To Thank Those Who Listened

We need to thank those who listened. Can you call Representative Kathy Castor and thank her for signing the Grayson-Takano letter vowing to vote against any cuts to Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits?

Darden Rice for St. Pete City Council

Walk to get petitions for Darden Rice!
She is holding a petition drive on April 13. She needs 500 signatures to qualify for the ballot.
Saturday, April 13, 2013 9:00 AM
Pinera Bread
1908 4th Street North, Saint Petersburg
Via Pushing Rope