Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Marco Rubio Extols Morality to 'Ex-Gay' Supporters

Florida senator Marco Rubio delivered the keynote address at an annual gathering of the right-wing Florida Family Policy Council, which supports 'ex-gay' or 'reparative' therapy.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Ribs, Pulled Pork, Dirty Rice and Collard Greens.
Great food, great prices. In Dade City.
Visit them on Facebook

Florida Congressman Grayson

For several months, journalist Glenn Greenwald has reeled off one blockbuster article after another concerning the National Security Agency's pervasive domestic and international electronic spying programs. Congressman Alan Grayson, wanting to learn more about the scope of domestic spying, has invited Greenwald to provide a briefing to Congress in Washington, D.C. Given the threats to prosecute him, Greenwald has been reluctant to do so in person. So one month ago, Congressman Grayson sent a letter to Attorney General Holder, asking whether the AG would prosecute Greenwald if Greenwald came to D.C. to testify. Yesterday, we learned the answer.
Attorney General] Holder indicated that the Justice Department is not planning to prosecute former Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, 
One way or another, Congressman Grayson will continue to seek Greenwald's testimony regarding the scope of domestic spying, so that Congress and the American People can hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Which is one more reason why

MLB Impeded Florida Health Investigation

Major League Baseball officials impeded an investigation by the Florida Department of Health into Biogensis founder Tony Bosch by purchasing clinic documents they had been asked not to obtain,

Florida Regulators Doing The Bidding Of Polluters

2013 has become the deadliest year ever for
Florida’s endangered manatees.
So far this year, 769 manatees have died (Jan. 1 through Oct. 29), the largest annual manatee die-off in Florida since record-keeping began.
Boat collisions are usually the main killer of these mellow sea cows, who float and graze in Florida’s sea grass beds. But this year, boat collisions are down. This year, the biggest manatee die-offs on Florida’s east and west coasts are linked to algae outbreaks, which are worsened by sewage, manure and fertilizer runoff.
Florida regulators are doing the bidding of polluter-lobbyists, and environmental disasters like the record manatee deaths are the sad result. Instead of stepping in to enforce the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has backed off......more

Monday, November 18, 2013

Florida Right Wing Blogger Attacks Saint Petersblog

A Letter To Charlie Crist’s Liberal Blogger, Peter Schorsch

Tampa Bay Homeless

Honesty pays in Tampa.

Awesome Dade City Mother Outraged After School Puts Son on Honor Roll

Happy Birthday Howard Dean

On my 65th birthday join me in supporting DFA
Right now, Republicans in Congress are trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and cut earned benefits like Social Security and Medicare. Radical right-wingers are in state legislatures across the country trying to restrict the right to vote and take away women’s reproductive rights. But we will continue to fight back -- it's the only we will win and preserve our version of America. And thanks to the Tea Party's obstructionism, Democrats have a real opportunity to win back the House in 2014. So, instead of receiving gifts on my 65th birthday, I'm asking people to support DFA as we fight to build a more progressive America.
In the spirit of our Dean for America presidential campaign, can you donate to DFA today?

The Sick Mind Of The Right Wing

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Florida Blue

Friends Of Stogie

Hail Ceasar

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Florida Executes Inmate With Controversial Lethal Injection

Darius Kimbrough – convicted of sexually assaulting and killing a Florida woman in 1991– was executed and pronounced dead at 6:18 p.m. EST, roughly 18 minutes after his lethal injection was administered. Kimbrough’s execution was notable because it was the second time the state had used the drug midazolam as a sedative in the first of a three-stage lethal injection procedure.  As Reuters reports, midazolam has come under fire from prisoners, who challenged the use of the drug in a lawsuit. Seven of Florida’s death row inmates sued the state, arguing the drug – typically used as a sedative in minor operations – is not actually an anesthetic. They claimed that in addition to halting the body’s ability to speak or move, midazolam leaves inmates aware of their surroundings and in severe pain as they die........more