Thursday, December 12, 2013

Centrist Democrats Scared Of Howard Dean

Clearwater Couple's Obamacare

$3.19 a month
JoAnn and Eric Smith of Clearwater, were able to sign up for health insurance on the federal exchange Monday after months of trying.
It took two months, weekly visits to the jammed-up federal website and a half-dozen phone calls, but JoAnn Smith finally got health insurance Monday. It’ll only cost her $3.19 a month to cover herself and her husband.......more

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Florida Blue Revolution 2014

Join the revolution, turn Florida blue Nov. 4 2014 
Click here and pick a Candidate
Join The Party
Party Central Ybor City, Florida

Happy Festivus

A Festivus pole at the Florida state capital,
and there’s nothing about it at all that doesn’t scream “Florida!”, including the material the pole’s made out of.A nearly 6-foot-tall pole made from emptied beer cans… will be put up in the Florida Capitol this week as a not-so-subtle protest to the recent placement of
a Christian nativity scene…..more
"A Festivus For The Rest Of Us." Frank Costanza

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet George
He was born and raised in Tampa. He has been homeless 12 years. 

Diaz-Balart Becomes an Immigration Fabulist

 That is the sad case of Diaz-Balart, once an acknowledged leader in the immigration reform movement. His devotion to internal Republican Party politics has converted him into a suspect figure with declining popularity in his GOP-safe seat. He has become the Latino mask of the GOP’s “NO”
on immigration reform — and the voters in his district are not happy.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Stogie Party

Tampa Growing Up

Hillsborough County residents predictably ranked traffic congestion, job creation and availability of bus or rail as top-priority planning issues in an interactive survey conducted over three months that planners have begun to analyze......more

Change Becomes Your Unwanted Friend

 Tampa Taxi Shots
was headed back to a life where so much had changed. Just eight years ago when I started the original "Tampa Taxi Shots" it was full of images of friends. Now, most of them are dead. I guess saying goodbye is a natural part of life. Security is not found in repeat motions of your ordered life. It is in knowing that is not possible and change will always be there. Smell the roses before there are no more to smell......more>

ALEC Wants To Tax Our Sunshine

If you dare to put solar panels on your home or business
to save energy and the environment at the same time,
ALEC (The American Legislative Exchange Council)
is coming for you. You see, by getting your energy from the sun
You are deemed a
"Free Rider"
 and will be taxed as such
These very policies are being discussed at the ALEC two day meeting
in Washington this week.......more

They of course have been branded.

 Florida Blue Revolution 2014

Monday, December 9, 2013

Wal-Wart Coming To Seminole Heights

On Hillsborough Ave between 15th St and 19th St
There is a meeting on Tuesday, December 10th at Ragan Park, 1200 E Lake Ave if you want to be heard.......more

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chopped steak with rice, salad, bread and a Pepsi $10.00.
2200 Kings Highway, Port Charlotte

Rick Scott's Florida

According to the Times and the Miami Herald
Only a fraction of the jobs Scott can truly influence have actually come about. After pledging $266 million in Corporate Welfare (tax relief) for more than 45,000 jobs,
96 percent of the jobs Scott promised have not been created.
According to state records, 46 of the Scott’s deals — almost 14 percent — have failed, with more projects going undeveloped. Many with committed financial incentives are tied up in red tape, while other companies either closed or went bankrupt.

Rep. Alan Grayson Under Attack

The Republicans and their corporate backers spent over $5 million in sewer money to defeat me in 2010. Thanks to people like you, we won back my seat in Congress in 2012. Yet I'm sure the Republicans will try to repeat their success in 2014. But they're underestimating me, and they're underestimating you. When they attack me, they attack you. My secret weapon is you, it's us, it's everyone who is willing to stand up for justice, equality and peace. And together, we will not be cowed,
and we will not be beaten.....more>

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Florida Blue Revolution 2014

Join the revolution, turn Florida blue Nov. 4 2014 
Click here and pick a Candidate

Join The Party
Party Central Ybor City, Florida

GOP 101. How To Talk To Women

This week Politico reported that the National Republican Congressional Committee is trying to teach Republican candidates and their aides what not to say to their female opponents and constituents
We need to elect progressive champions who will stand strong for women's rights, not just rehearse soundbites. For nearly 10 years, Democracy for America has helped elect strong, progressive women -- like Elizabeth Warren -- to offices up and down the ballot. Now we need your support to elect amazing women candidates like Wendy Davis in 2014.
here And don't forget Ruth's List Florida

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pepper Steak
With Fried Rice
$4.99 at #1 Wok in Punta Gorda

America's Best Christian Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage