Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Wings At Hooters, John's Pass
Our Awesome Server Sabrina With Fan.

Scumbag Of The Month: Allen West

Usually, the Scumbag award 
is for a single day but this is simply a 
new low in scumbagginess for
Allen West. 
And that’s really saying something:
Are we witnessing an Obama “Wag the Dog” moment with Boko Haram in Nigeria? I say yes.

Monday, May 12, 2014

heartless Daytona Beach

Today, when we were feeding 100 plus people in Manatee Park, Daytona Beach. FL, we had quite an experience. We had 5 Daytona Beach Police Officers on the scene, their excuse??? and I quote, "WE ARE LOOKING FOR A WHITE GUY"....yep, that was there excuse to come and shut us down for "FEEDING THE HOMELESS"!!!
Check us out on Facebook

Florida Allows Rapists to Sue Their Victims for Custody or Visitation Rights

Grayson on Benghazi: The Scandal That Never Was

Great Job Mr. Grayson not getting involved in this sham.
"Unemployment is down to 6.3 percent. We now have access to health care.
 Our economy is slowly rising. The stock market is at an all-time high.
Do we continue to build on these issues, or do we go back to Benghazi."
Richard Gentile, Tampa

Caution Tampa Bay

The Hazards Of Living Here!

Could GOP soon be the minority party in Florida?

The “Californication” of
Florida politics?
The Republican Party is increasingly becoming the white party, and that poses a political dilemma in a state and nation where the white percentage is on decline and the minorities are rapidly growing.

Pirates Invade John's Pass

John LeVique Pirate Days

Science-Denying Idiot Marco Rubio

Become A Marijuana Freedom Fighter

Vote 11.4.14
Join Kush Liberty
High And Proud

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Allison Tant Must Go

With only six months left until the general election, 
Allison Tant 
is having a hard time recruiting candidates, 
calling into question her ability to lead 
Florida Democrats.
The Florida Democratic Party chairwoman assumed that position in January 2013, promising to “out-raise, out-organize, and outwork the GOP” across Florida. But it simply hasn’t happened.

Florida GOP John Mica Waves A 'Fake' Joint At Hearing

Colonel Ed Jany For Congress