Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Have A Beer With Macho In Palm Harbor

Pinellas County Commission 
Candidate offers AR-15 rifle to draw crowd to campaign event here

Celebrate Small Business

Banished! - Florida's Paedophile Village

In Rick Scott's Florida

Rick Scott was a stranger to Floridians. 
Then he spent $73 million and rode n angry voter wave to the Governor's Mansion. 
For Florida, this has been a hostile takeover by the former CEO of the nation's 
largest hospital chain. In three years 
Scott has done more harm than any modern governor, from voting rights to privacy rights, public schools to higher education, environmental protection to health care. 
One more legislative session and a $100 million re-election campaign will not undo the damage.
This is the tin man as governor, a chief executive who shows no heartfelt connection to the state, appreciation for its values 
or compassion for its residents. Scott, moved to Naples just seven years before running for governor, he treats Florida like another faceless corporate acquisition to be 
dismantled and repackaged. 
In Scott's Florida, it is harder for citizens to vote and for the jobless to collect unemployment. It is easier for renters to be evicted and for borrowers to be charged high interest rates on short-term loans. It is harder for patients to win claims against doctors who hurt them and for consumers to get fair treatment from car dealers who deceive them. It is easier for businesses to avoid paying taxes, building roads and repairing environmental damage

Mario Hernandez was sworn in as a U.S. citizen!

A Click Of Your Mouse Can Make A Difference 
Thanks to the nearly 90,000 people who signed my petition on to naturalize 
Mario Hernandez, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services got the message and not only approved his naturalization, 
they also apologized for the delay! 
I hope that Mario's victory today reinforces the notion that when we act together, we can do great things. 
We couldn't have done this without you!
Thank you, 
Bonita Hernandez
Tallahassee, FL

Democratic Pinellas

Khavari for Governor, Florida 2014

Florida can lead the nation, 
and feed the nation
with non-GMO and organic foods and livestock and poultry grown by Floridians 
earning a living wage. 
We can process this food and sell it all over America, and even export to other countries.

Rick Scott: "I’m not a scientist"

when asked about anthropogenic global warming during a Tuesday stop in Miami.
First Marco Rubio, now another far-right GOP policymaker from the Sunshine State.

Read m
ore here:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Call Tampa City Council 813. 274.8131


Rally For Rasmea Odeh In Temple Terrace

56th St. and Fowler Ave
Sign the petition for Rasmea Odeh
Learn more about Raíces en Tampa here

Where Is Mayor Bob And The Kriseman Administration

Gwen Graham is holding a Tampa fundraiser tonight on Harbour Island.
Hosting the event is a variety of prominent Tampa Bay area Democratic leaders
,Rep. Kathy Castor, former U.S. Rep. Jim Davis and Alex Sink, as well as Florida Legend
Gwen’s father, former Democratic governor and 
Sen Bob Graham......more>

We hope he attends, He made it to  Pam Bondi's fundraiser

and  The Kriseman Administration Why didn't you guys get in on this?

Steven Spielberg Backing Charlie Crist

Spielberg and wife 
Kate Capshaw
donated $12,000 to Crist’s political committee
Charlie Crist for Florida.”

Beckham Soccer Rebellion in Miami

  The natives are restless,
. No Soccer here they say.
Parks are for people Take the stadium off the waterfront Our waterfront 
is not on the table, 

it is not for

Ybor Trolley Ride

Hate Truly Is Stronger Than Compassion InThe GOP

And it is costing the party their logic, reason and good business sense. 
When you turn down health care for millions of citizens, billions of dollars and job creation out of spite, you are not representing the best interests of your constituents.
In Florida, the healthcare company Columbia/HCA, was fined $1.7 billion for Medicare fraud while Rick Scott, prior to being governor, was CEO. Now Scott doesn't want to let Florida's citizens receive the benefits from the Medicaid expansion. Florida will lose $5 billion.

Nan Rich Joins Progressives In St. Pete

On Sunday, gubernatorial candidate Nan Rich 
was the featured speaker at the St. Pete Democratic Club Memorial Day Picnic 
at the Bay Pines War Veterans Memorial Park.....more>

Nan Rich, Real Democrat, for Governor
 "From the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party

Loser of the week: Charles Van Zant

A product of Florida schools
 Van Zant now looks like a poster child 
for the need to improve 
the state's educational standards.
John Thrasher the winner of the week? because despite the fact that he is not qualified to serve as President of FSU, a Republican backroom deal has been made and he will be given the job and a very large tax-payer paid salary. .....Pinellas Democratic Party

Tallahassee students speak out against John Thrasher

They should have also listed FSU as loser of the week.