Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Why We Should ALL Fear Islamophobia Event In Tampa

July 5th - 1:30pm
First United Church Of Tampa

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Baked Fish
With Black Beans and Rice
At Cuban Sandwich Shop in Tampa
Visit them here

Monday, June 29, 2015

St Pete Street Pride Festival

Sunshine State Secret Illegal farmworkers share stories of abuse in Florida

Run Mary Run

We want Mary Mulhern to run for Congress in Florida District 13.
Like her page on Facebook

Florida For Bernie Sanders 2016

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Arroz Con Gandules
With Red Beans and Tostones
At Borinquen on Central Ave, St. Pete Pride 

Jeb Bush's Voter Purge Part 2

Jeb Bush still doesn't have a good answer for his effort to purge Florida's voter rolls of convicted felons in 1999, the year before the infamous election in which several hundred Sunshine State votes would secure the presidency for his brother, George W. Bush. here 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

St Pete Street Pride Festival 2015 Activist

Florida's Best

Florida Senate Poll: Alan Grayson Wins

"This is what happens when you stand up for what you believe in." 
Susan Smith

Marco Rubio Supports Amendment To Prevent Same Sex Marriage

Kimberley A. Johnson's Letter To Bristol Palin

Dear Bristol Palin,
I heard you're dealing with another unplanned pregnancy. I feel for you. I don't think you're a whore or a slut though. However, you have been a hypocrite because you preach abstinence only. Evidently you weren't taking your own ignorant advice. Abstinence only works when you don't have sex - It's kind of tricky that way.

Liberals really aren't judging you for your sexcapades. Sex is fun and we think it's great! The people who are judging you and implying you're a dirty girl, well, that would be the radical religious right (your mom's crowd) .... and more specifically, Jeb Bush. Ol' Jebbers thinks you should be publicly shamed and that you need to find yourself a man. He's an asshole.

You might want to re-think political parties if you're going to keep sexing it up. Our side doesn't judge good sex - we celebrate it. We judge hypocrites who slut shame. 
Something to think about.

Toodles, Kimberley

Florida's Culture Of Corruption

Florida’s federal lawmakers and their staffs took 103 privately sponsored trips in 2014 valued at more than $350,000. Foreign destinations included Sweden, Peru and Japan. In a number of cases, relatives came along and had their expenses covered. here 

Topping the list was Rep. Ander Crenshaw, R-Jacksonville. 
Other top travelers at a private group’s expense include 
Rep.Ted Deutch, D-West Boca Raton ($20,713),
Sarasota's Rep Vern Buchanan

And Miami Cuban Mafia members 
GOP Sen. Marco Rubio ($37,255), 
GOP Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Miami-Dade, ($36,084),
 GOP Rep, Mario Diaz-Balart ($28,922), R-Miami-Dade 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

House Special Fried Rice
With Wonton Soup
At China Wokery in North Port
Visit them here

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Mario (Frado) Diaz-Balart Is Out Of Touch And Should Be Out Of Office!

This past June 18th the House Appropriations Committee passed its FY 2016 Financial Services Appropriations bill. It contains three "Cuba-specific" prohibitions that were drafted by one of the most out-of-touch members of Congress - Mario Diaz-Balart. These prohibitions are a threat to the universally lauded advancements in U.S.-Cuba relations and seek to effectively end president Obama's highly successful "people-to-people" policy that has generated interest among all Americans to go to Cuba and see for themselves the devastating effects of the embargo. These measures will also hurt Cubans on the island who have benefited by the influx of tourism. 

How can Diaz-Balart claim he is a champion for the Cuban people when 97% of them are in favor of normalization? His judgement is clouded by his family's involvement with Fulgencio Batista, a dictator who suspended democracy in Cuba. Regarding Cuba, it's personal with him and that long-standing vendetta is getting in the way of the inevitable process of normalization. here

WMNF Has A Long Road To Travel

WMNF has 65 hours of prime time programming and only 3 of those hours are by programmers of Color (African Americans and Muslim Americans).
The News program has been cut to 15 minutes and 5 of those are dedicated to NPR. How can we realistically cover a diverse community of some 4 million people with such little time?

We are demanding a one hour program with 5 minute reports on the environment, People of Color, housing/homelessness, foreclosures, poverty/food distribution, immigration, women's issues, etc.
We are also demanding integration of the staff of 15 with only two People of Color. Thank you for your support!

Jeb Bush's Felon Purge

The felon purge wrongfully denied thousands of legitimate voters the ability to participate in a presidential election pitting Republican George W. Bush against Democrat Al Gore. Ultimately, a few hundred Florida ballots would determine the presidency, and with it, the nation’s path for the next eight years and, really, well beyond. here

URBN Tampa Bay

URBN Tampa Bay is United Residents for Better Neighborhoods. We are a non-partisan, grassroots group advocating for better urban neighborhoods.
Like them on Facebook here