Friday, December 6, 2019

Tampa Climate Strike

Tampa City Hall

One of These Climate Strikes is not Like the Others

One of These Climate Strikes Doesn't Belong

Ybor City Homeless


Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Florida Keys Deliver a Hard Message

 Officials in the Florida Keys announced what many coastal governments nationwide have long feared, but few have been willing to admit: As seas rise and flooding gets worse, not everyone
 can be saved.
And in some places, it doesn’t even 
make sense to try. HERE

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ybor City Homeless

Meet Jake

Florida GOP: Patriots or Traitors

When does Republican partisanship turn into treason? We’re about to find out. HERE

Don't forget their supporters!
Remember you only get one reputation in life.

Open’ primary measure too complicated for Florida voters

Florida’s Republican and Democratic parties joined Attorney General Ashley Moody Tuesday in arguing before the Supreme Court that a proposed “open” primary constitutional amendment is too complicated for voters and should be removed from the 2020 ballot. HERE

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Italian Sausage
With Ziti at NY, NY in Ybor City


Florida GOP George Buck of St. Pete

Sent out a fundraising letter spreading falsehoods about RepIlhan Omar alleged ties to foreign nations. 
“We should hang these traitors where they stand.” HERE

Florida GOP Matt Gaetz Was The Sole No Vote On A Bipartisan Anti-Human Trafficking Bill

Florida GOP Matt Gaetz argued the anti-trafficking bill was an unnecessary expansion of the federal government. HERE

Wednesday, December 4, 2019