Thursday, December 19, 2019

Sane Floridans Beware

For Every New Registered Democrat In Florida This Year, Republicans Have Added Two HERE

Despite much-publicized efforts by the Florida Democratic Party and its allies, state data shows Republicans in the swing state are far outpacing Democrats when it comes to the raw number of registered voters.

"While Democrats are busy coming up with fabricated voter registration numbers, impeachment conspiracy theories, and radical socialist policies that would raise taxes and kill jobs, the RNC and Trump Campaign are lapping the Democrats on every front: organizing, fundraising, volunteer training, registering voters, and more,” said Trump Victory Spokesperson Emerson George.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Cold Weather Shelters To Open Tonight

Hillsborough County cold weather shelters will open tonight, Wednesday, Dec. 18, for the homeless and for those who live in homes without adequate heat. The National Weather Service expects local temperatures to dip to or below 40 degrees with wind chill in Hillsborough County Wednesday night.

Click HERE for details and locations.

Trump Impeachment Rally In Stuart

Tampa Bartenders

Kay at Tapper Pub

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Tuna Sandwich 
At Seminole Heights General Store


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Impeach Trump Rally In Tampa

2 Trump Supporters were there
 Sam M. Gibbons United States Courthouse

HART Give #4777 a Raise

The nicest driver I've met
since #4005 in 2016

Monday, December 16, 2019

Feeling The Bern in South Tampa

Barnstorm for Bernie

Standing Room Only 

Bernie's Army

Tampa Shit Water Company Still An Option

”Guido Maniscalco, who voted against it this summer and still opposes it, says the political landscape hasn’t shifted. HERE
“There is no reason for them to switch their votes," he said. “Nothing else has come forward. I thought it was dead and done.”