Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Huckabee: Amend Constitution to Reflect God's Standards

Ann Wright Is Coming To Clearwater

Saturday, January 26th, 7:30pm
Clearwater Unitarian Universalist Church, 2470 Nursery Road, Clearwater

Clinton, Obama Spar Over Florida

Is Hillary Clinton breaking her pledge not to campaign in Florida? Democratic rival Barack Obama raised the question - even though he insists Florida's vote won't matter - one day after a poll showed him 21 points behind in the state. An Obama campaign memo Tuesday pointed to "signs that she may be planning to campaign in the state, inquiring about large venues and increased organizing activity." In fact, the Clinton campaign inquired Tuesday if the Miami Beach Convention Center will be available for a "rally" on Jan. 27, two days before the state holds its earliest primary in

Democracy Now! Re-Hosts NBC Las Vegas Debate

Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich was missing from the stage at last night’s Democratic debate hosted by MSNBC in Las Vegas after he lost a last-minute legal fight with the network over his participation. Democracy Now! decided to break the sound barrier and give Kucinich a chance to take part. In an exclusive broadcast, we re-broadcast excerpts of the debate and give the Ohio Congressman a chance to answer the questions he might have faced if he hadn’t been


Tampa Bay Blvd. And Dale Mabry Hwy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Kucinich Is The Candidate You Are Not Suppose To Talk About

I am speechless at the banning of Kucinich from NBC Debate tonite by the Nevada Supreme Court a few minutes ago. An outrage and a real loss for democracy. It is another example of corrupt, corporate control of politics that makes Democrats and Republicans sound and act so alike. Any dissenting candidate that can threaten the corporate bottom line will be marginalized and

David Barsamian To Speak In Tampa

Hear David Barsamian speak live at the Musicale in a benefit for WMNF! Before David speaks we'll have the Tampa Bay area premiere of the film Meeting Resistance.
Friday Jan 18 07:00PM -- Friday Morning Musicale
Buy Tickets

Florida's Natural To Save Energy With Solar Panels

The power of the sun is now helping the operation of the visitor center of Florida's Natural in Lake Wales. Solar panels were installed a little more than a week ago on the roof of the Grove House which will save an estimated 30 percent of energy

Stop Eating At Burger King

Burger King is telling suppliers it may stop buying tomatoes from southwestern Florida, where farmworkers have fought to get the second-largest hamburger chain to pay more for its produce and help boost field-worker wages. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers has tried for more than a year to get Burger King Corp. to join deals signed by rivals McDonald's Corp. and Taco Bell owner Yum Brands

Kevin Beckner Volunteer Round-Up

At the party, you'll have a chance make new friends and see old ones! Hear Kevin speak about his platform! Find out what specific jobs the campaign has for volunteers and learn what each job entails! There will be food, beverages, and interesting conversation!
January 20, 1:00pm to 3:pm
Jerk Hut - 2101 Fowler Ave, Tampa

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bob Johnson: "Something in the Neighborhood"

Florida's GOP Anti-Gay Amendment In Trouble

Backers of a proposed amendment to bar same-sex marriage in Florida are scrambling to find 20,000 signatures to get the measure on November's ballot after the Secretary of State announced Monday that a counting mistake put them well short of the required 611,000 signatures needed........more
Last year it was discovered that the state GOP was bankrolling

The John F. Kennedy Maritime Museum In Miami

Right now, the beloved JFK is sitting in Virginia waiting for a new home, and a group with First Coast ties has a plan for a new life as a museum in Florida. Retired Navy Captain Rick Hoffman, who lives on the First Coast, is working with a group called the JFK CV-67 Memorial Foundation that wants to turn the former JFK into the John F. Kennedy Maritime

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Don't Let Them Bully You From Signing Petition

You still haven't signed the Florida Hometown Democracy petition? If you are a Florida voter, and you haven't signed it yet, please do so today and mail it in. Time is running out for us to make the 2008

Spiritual Progressives Mix Politics And Religion

Thomas N. Tift isn't sure he's ready for this — a major conference sponsored by his tiny organization, which hasn't yet seen its second birthday. But the Methodist layman isn't backing off. He said South Florida needs an alternative voice — i.e., a more liberal one......more

Havana Blogger Writes Freely About Life In Cuba

From the 14th-floor balcony of a hulking Soviet-era high-rise, Yoani Sánchez enjoys a spectacular view of the city where she was born 32 years ago. There is Revolution Square, with its image of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and towering monument to José Martí, surrounded by the sprawling

Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride

To help a new generation of combat-wounded veterans make the transition to an active civilian life with the extra challenges that come with a physical disability, a pair of local Iraq veterans will pedal across south Florida next
Wounded Warrior Project Soldier Ride

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Dean Hopes For Civil Fight

While Howard Dean acknowledged the potential convention fight in Denver over who wins the Democratic nomination would generate huge public interest, he said it would actually be "a nightmare" for

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ned Lamont for Obama

The Meatrix

Sustainable Table celebrates the sustainable food movement, educates consumers on food-related issues and works to build community through food. The program is home to the critically-acclaimed, award-winning Meatrix movies - The Meatrix, The Meatrix II: Revolting and The Meatrix II½.

Seffner Mango Volunteer Fire Department

A Hillsborough county volunteer fire department, that lost its certification because of a scandal, is still benefiting from tax payer dollars. Initially they received hundreds of thousands of dollars to run the place, now they are profiting from the sale of the property. Community Activist Terry Flott says everybody should be outraged at this........more

Howard Dean Goes To School

The Democratic National Committee chairman showed up in a T-shirt, faded jeans with worn- out knees and a pair of beat-up New Balance running shoes for a DNC service project at Manual High School. This is a very gutsy, risky thing to do, and I think it’s a great way to save a school,” Dean said. “That’s what makes education work — when a community cares enough to do this. This could actually be a model for the rest of the nation — if it works.”
“I’m learning from the Republicans how to whitewash everything.”

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Florida Losing Its Sunny Magnetism

The vast flow of people into Florida from elsewhere in the United States has been the defining feature of the Sunshine State's 20th-century history, draining swamps and spurring development, swelling the economy and shaping

Hispanic Pride - Hispanic Shame