Saturday, April 5, 2008

New Tampa Museum of Art

The contract for the Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park and the Tampa Museum of Art was approved by Tampa City Council on Thursday, April 3. Construction will begin soon on the projects and completion is scheduled for June 2009...........more

State Farm To Tampa Bay - No Thanks

State Farm Florida Insurance Company just sent a clear message to City of Tampa residents- “We will not write you a new Florida homeowners insurance policy, but we want to keep your auto policy and all your other Florida insurance business.”

Madfloridian: Debbie Wasserman Schultz

You know what, Debbie? I had sort of figured I would back off writing about you Florida Democratic leaders for a while. I figured that since the meeting with Dean yesterday, you guys would shut your mouths for a

Walk With A Swagger

Met with my children's principal and teachers yesterday. My demand to these educators - stop Tyler* yourselves or stop punishing my children when they stop him.The principal is a nice guy. He means well. My children's teachers seem kind and patient as well. They assured me that bullying has no place in their school......more

Friday, April 4, 2008

Darcy's Plan

Thank You
Larry Byrnes - Alan Grayson - Joe Garcia - Faye Armitage - Timothy Cunha - Clint Curtis - Stephen Blythe - Samm Simpson

Barge Stuck On Sandbar Near Egmont Key

A barge and its tug that had been stuck on a sandbar near Egmont Key since Wednesday evening are free. The 138-foot tug Yankee was transporting a 441-foot barge, both owned by K-Sea, from Houston to Tampa when it ran aground on a sand bar about 5:45 p.m. on April 2. The double-hulled barge was carrying 119,000 barrels fuel

Justice For Alan Crotzer

The Florida Senate voted moments ago to pay Alan Crotzer $1.25-million for the 24 years he spent in prison on a bum rape charge. The House acted last week, meaning the ordeal is over for the former St. Petersburg man, who erupted in tears following the

Kevin Brown, The Jamaican Guy

Held a couple days ago, accused of trying to take bomb-making parts into Montego Bay on an Air Jamaica flight from Orlando, Florida. Brown survives and heads back home to Jamaica. The sad part is that he could probably end up in jail and could be sent away for a long time. For all intents and purposes, Brown is now regarded as a Jamaican terrorist. The sadder part is that many of us Jamaicans, who just love to fly into 'the States' are now going to find our trips a little less pleasant. The saddest part is that if the American authorities understood just how much we love their country, they would know that we wouldn't want to blow anything up there. It is our Promised

Smokin Em Charters Of Ft. Pierce, Florida

Smokin' Em Charters was told to leave the city marina for violating its family-friendly atmosphere. The husband-wife team of Kathi and Harold Coombes has run the company for eight years and started offering charters with bikini-clad or topless women in January. In addition to regular boating duties, the women also prepare food and

Bounce In Tampa

Starting Friday, Tampa will become a national epicenter for gay women, thousands of whom are coming to town for the Final Four of the women's NCAA Tournament. Most of the activities will center on Ybor City, where clubs are hosting all-girl bands and an event called Bounce, promoted as the largest women's party in the Tampa Bay area. The National Center for Lesbian Rights is holding a mega party at club

Cigar Heritage Festival In Ybor City

Annette Taddeo Please Endorse The Plan

Thank you from Joe Garcia

Where Is Mel Martinez On The Environment?

Martinez cannot afford to sit on the sidelines while legislation so critical to Florida's future is hashed out. Too many in Florida's delegation say they support reducing greenhouse gases and want to see a fair cap-and-trade system, yet they have benched themselves in what is arguably the most important debate this nation may ever have on an environmental issue.
Certainly, it has immense importance to Florida, especially to the coastal cities of Key West, Miami, Jacksonville and Tampa, to name just a few. Does it get any more important?

Mountain Dew And Marijuana - Florida's Birth Control

Frightening survey results from the University of Florida reveal the necessity of comprehensive sex education in schools. The Associated Press reports that the survey shows some Florida teens believe that drinking Mountain Dew or smoking marijuana will prevent pregnancy. According to the University of Florida, most Florida schools teach from abstinence-only curricula,
if they teach any sex education programs at

Bill Clinton and Oprah are Candidates to Save Florida Jazz Festival

Refusing to let the music die, the North East Florida Jazz Association (NEFJA) extended the auction of the Title Sponsorship to the 3rd Annual Legacy Jazz Festival for one more round of bids when there were no takers on the first round. We just need a superhero who is passionate about jazz and understands the importance of passing on this legacy." By using eBay to market the Title Sponsorship, NEFJA was hoping to catch the eye of a cultural icon like Oprah Winfrey or former President Bill Clinton who's a major fan of the endangered

Why Faculty Leave Florida

In the parking lot this morning, I met an assistant professor I know well who told me that he’s leaving USF. He’s going to a public university in another state where he’ll be paid a good chunk more than what he’s paid

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Howard Dean Gets Motivated

After huddling yesterday among themselves, Florida's congressional delecation and state chair Karen Thurman met with DNC chair Howard Dean, and emerged making positive noises. In attendance at the meeting from Florida were Sen. Bill Nelson, Reps. Alcee Hastings, Corrine Brown, Bob Wexler, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Ron Klein, Tim Mahoney, Kathy Castor, Allan Boyd, Kendrick Meek and Karen

If King Had Lived?

"God didn't call America to engage in a senseless, unjust war," King said of the fighting in Vietnam. "And we are criminals in that war. We've committed more war crimes almost than any nation in the world, and I'm going to continue to say it."

Annette Taddeo On Fox 7 In Miami

Predator Drones Coming To Florida's Gulf Coast

Four Predator B drones have become fixtures over Arizona since October 2006, and two more will join them soon, Juan Munoz-Torres, a Customs and Border Protection spokesman, said Wednesday. Once those six are in place, the agency wants Congress to fund six drones along the Canadian border and six more on Florida's Gulf Coast and the

Catherine Durkin Robinson: Olivia's Kiss

Chapter 5

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Florida Sues Former Tampa Mayor

The state said today it has filed suit against the officers and directors of the failed Poe Financial Group, charging that they fraudulently diverted more than $100 million in dividends to themselves in 2004 and 2005, even though they knew their businesses were
I Never Liked This Mayor

Going Green Tampa Bay Expo at USF

St. Patrick's Day may fall in March, but beginning April 7, everything will be coming up green at the University of South Florida. USF will be hosting Sustain-A-Bull, a week-long series of events dedicated to promoting a greener lifestyle in the Tampa Bay