Friday, June 8, 2007

Bob Graham Begged
Fellow Senators To Read The "Entire" NIE on WMDs
"Friends, I encourage you to read the classified intelligence reports which are much sharper than what is available in declassified form," Sen. Graham on the floor of the Senate in October

"We are going to be increasing the threat level against the people of the United States."
He warned: "Blood Is Going To Be On Your Hands"
The Cuban Health Care System
Future Doctors From Latin America Trained In Cuba For Free
Imagine a society in which healthcare is the right of every citizen and the responsibility of the state. Imagine being able to see your doctor as often as you wanted, free of charge. Imagine a solid foundation of primary care and preventive medicine with clinics on virtually every other street corner.....more
Sicko: Why the US Government Hates Cuba (Health Care)
Caladesi Island State Park
Rated Second Best US Beach
Florida International University professor Stephen Leatherman has created an industry out of his annual review of America's best

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Bob The Prophet
Daniel Robert Graham
In 2003, Graham's war opposition hurt his popularity even in Florida, where he had served two terms as governor and three as senator. Republicans lambasted him for statements accusing the Bush administration of misleading the public on Iraq and for suggesting there was as much ground to impeach Bush as there had been for President
"Nobody can feel anything other than sadness at this tragedy that our country has fallen into in the last five years. I'm disappointed that there wasn't greater caution and candor on behalf of people making the decisions, and our nation has suffered enormous losses as a result of it."....Bob Graham
The Real Winner Of That Debate Was Bob Graham, How Times Have Changed.

Democrats' Innocent Bystander Fable

Largo - June 5, 2007

Hillary vs Obama

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

com·plic·it (kəm-plĭs'ĭt) adj. Associated with or participating in a questionable act or a crime
The Stogie was cordially invited by e-mail to a dinner honoring The Honorable Nancy Pelosi down in Hollywood, Florida on June 9th by Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Thurman. The Stogie quickly and politely clicked here.....
Bring Back Nader
The Cry Would Go Up To “Save The Troops”
By Nuking Iran
The war in Iraq is lost. This fact is widely recognized by American military officers and has been recently expressed forcefully by Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of US forces in Iraq during the first year of the attempted occupation. Winning is no longer an option. Our best hope, Gen. Sanchez says, is “to stave off defeat,” Places to Nuke When You’re
The American electorate decided last November that they must do something about the failed war and gave the Democrats control of both houses of Congress. However, the Democrats have decided that it is easier to be complicit in war crimes than to represent the wishes of the electorate and hold a rogue president accountable.
3, 503 And The Death Goes On
Clearwater - June 5, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ron Paul
President 2008
He voted against the Patriot Act. He voted against regulating the Internet. He voted against the Iraq war. His

I Have Never Voted For A Republican, But I Could Vote For This Guy. If He Is The GOP Nominee And The Dems Pick Someone I Don't Clinton. I Can See The Stogie Making History.

Condo Sale, Davis Islands Style

Kasey Chambers - Pony

Monday, June 4, 2007

State Sponsored Terror

Arkansas Republican Says We Need Another 911
To Prove Us Liberals Wrong
“At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001 ], and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country,”
Free Water From "Church at the Bay"
At Sheldon and Linebaugh

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Stogie Grades The Debate
Dennis Kucinich A
John Edwards A-
Mike Gravel B
Bill Richardson B-
Chris Dodd C+
Barack Obama D+
Joe Biden D+
Hillary Clinton D

SammScript - Words From Admiral William Fallon

The Stogie For Your Next Trip
813 If You Are Interested

Saturday, June 2, 2007

SammScript - 9/11 Dust and Thermate

Troops Want To Know When The Hell They Are Getting Out Of There

All they are doing is driving around getting shot at.

Senator Bill Nelson
Republican Lite. Again reports this morning that Florida Senator Bill Nelson has once again voted for torture. I've said it once and I'll say it again: Senator Nelson is no better than Joe Lieberman. It's about time that Florida Dems start waking up to that

I Voted For Brian Moore, I Miss Bob Graham

Will Ferrell as Dubya on Global Warming

Friday, June 1, 2007

Alan Augustson
President 2008
Making things we don't need, buying them with money we don't have, and finding someplace to dump the garbage.....his

The Green Party Can Get Us Out Of This.

Samm Simpson - Media Is Propaganda

A Collection Of The Very Worst Amongst Us
What Choices Remain For Americans Today?
They have an administration which they despise, enacting policies they loathe. So they did what the good citizens of a democracy are supposed to do, they went out in large numbers and voted in a new government. We should make no mistake about what the landslide election of 2006 meant. Democrats had no agenda to put forth and were not chosen for the purpose of advancing any such non-agenda. They had one qualification going into last November’s contest, and it was the one which got them elected.......more
There are few good things to take away from the disaster of the last six years, and perhaps little that could ever be justified by the enormous attendant costs. But I do believe that Americans have looked into the eye of the regressive movement and that most have come away horrified, now seeing it for what it is - a collection of the very worst amongst us.

Stogie Has Always Wanted To Have Casual Sex with Lea Thompson!

Ever since "Red Dawn" when she played "Erica" a terrorist fighting the occupation of her country by foreign invaders

When you say Nothing at all - Alison Krauss

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Southern N.J. GOP Too Busy For Bush
Running For Cover
Bush plans to visit New Jersey to help raise money for the state's cash-strapped and victory-starved Republican Party. If southern New Jersey Republicans are any indication, though, the welcoming party will be rather

Busy, Busy, Busy

Hugo Chavez And Misinformation
Radio Caracas Television Other Endeavor
Would a network that aided and abetted a coup against the government be allowed to operate in the United States? The U.S. government probably would have shut down RCTV within five minutes after a failed coup attempt — and thrown its owners in jail.
It can still broadcast on cable or via satellite

AL GORE: The Assault on Reason