Monday, March 30, 2015

Senator Bill Nelson Tells Rick Scott GTFOH With Your Gag Order

Jacksonville sheriff's office shoots another unarmed black man

Devanta DeJuan Jones called the police for help early on the morning of March 29, he didn't expect them to come and shoot at him. He is currently in the hospital, and his condition is reportedly stable.

Organizers with the Jacksonville Progressive Coalition and community members are organizing a rally on March 30 (Today) at the corner store across from Cleveland Arms apartment complex at 6:00 p.m. The address for the starting location is 5105 Cleveland Arms Road. here

Jeb the right-wing hardliner

As governor, Jeb was a right-wing hardliner — a doctrinaire supply-sider who slashed at least $14 billion in revenue to the state government by cutting taxes, mostly on the wealthy, and killing programs for the middle class and services for the poor. It was Jeb who signed Florida’s infamous “Stand 
Your Ground Law” here

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Centre for Girls has STAR supporters!

Championship Weekend comes alive to support 
The Centre for Girls! 
On Friday, April 3rd, The Center Circle Luncheon will feature several WNBA legends, including Champion Rushia Brown, and proceeds will support C4G.  It is not too late to get in on the action! There are a limited number of tickets available, 
so register today!

Also, on Saturday, April 4th, the WPBA will host a FREE Basketball Clinic for 150 local middle- and high-school students. Registration is still open for this as well, so act fast! 
More information on both events

2015 Global Marijuana March - Tallahassee

May 2, 11am
400 S Monroe St, Tallahassee

Stacy White Chose Not To Sign

The proclamation that Kevin Beckner handed over to Tampa Pride organizer Carrie West at the beginning of Saturday’s activities in Ybor City. here

Florida State Trooper Harassment

Miami Rally to End Marijuana Prohibition

This is a free rally to end prohibition of marijuana. The State of Florida is wasting tax dollars by incarcerating non violent offenders with a little bit of pot. Free up our jails, make tax money and put an end to this war! How many have been killed by smoking God's plant? NONE!
Bring your friends, signs, and peace. This is a peaceful rally that will start at 10:00 am! See you there!
April 11, 11am
Miami Beach City Hall

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Daniel Tilson, Coming To Take You Away

We Want Alan Grayson

Progressives are clearly looking for a bold champion who will inspire and engage voters. 
We can’t afford to run former Republicans or corporate Democrats who consider themselves “centrists” but who are really “Republican lite.” If we do that, we lose.”
Neither Murphy nor Tallahassee area Rep. Gwen Graham fit the qualifications of what progressives are looking for in a candidate. here

Florida GOP running out the clock

I wouldn't trust a politician to be in control of my medical decisions - but that's exactly what's happening in Tallahassee.

Instead of giving physicians the right to do what they think is best for their patients, they're obstructing access to medical marijuana, making it impossible for doctors to truly fulfill their oath.

This obstruction, right now, is coming in the form of running out the clock.  And in 36 days, should legislature end without a bill, it means an automatic 2 year delay (minimum) before we can pass it at the ballot box and get legislature to implement. 
Over 3.4 million Florida voters said they wanted medical marijuana - and that 
will should not be denied by a couple of hundred legislators in Tallahassee.
I'm going to do what I can to get this done sooner, and if not,
I'm going to help get it passed in 2016.

In the meantime, can you make a small donation to United for Care, make this campaign stronger, and help us keep the pressure on Tallahassee?

We can, and will, get this done.  But so many people would benefit if it gets done sooner.
John Morgan

March in St. Pete demands farmworker rights

Over 3000 farmworkers and supporters from around the country gathered at Bartlett Park, March 21, then marched to demand workers’ rights. 

"As a member of the community and as an activist I believe that everyone deserves a fair pay," says Alicia Gazga of Raíces en Tampa. "Publix and Wendy's should be ashamed for not joining the fair food program. here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Chris
He is a local, been homeless 8 years.

Support Mandatory GMO Labeling in Florida!

The Florida legislature is currently considering a vitally important GMO labeling bill, HB 351/SB 416. Please contact your state representatives immediately and ask them to vote YES on these momentous bills. here

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ronda Storms Day In Ybor City

Tampa's Pride used to hold the distinction of the state's largest LGBT pride event. From 2005 to 2013, Hillsborough County enforced a ban on acknowledging, participating or promoting anything to do with gay pride events. The ban was spearheaded by then-County Commissioner Ronda Storms and wasn't repealed until after citizens elected Kevin Beckner, Hillsborough County's first openly gay commissioner. here

This year's Tampa Pride Festival and parade is 10 a.m. 
to 5 p.m. Saturday in Ybor City. info 

Fort Myers Rally to Legalize Cannabis

March 28, 10am
 at Centennial Park in Downtown Fort Myers
We will be bringing call to end the prohibition against cannabis. info

Clean water and beer! in St. Pete

Join Progress Florida, Environment Florida, and fellow clean water supporters at 3 Daughters Brewing on Tuesday, March 31st at 6:30pm, as we raise a glass for clean water! here 

Floridians Not Big On Bush, Rubio White House Bids

Floridians aren't very excited about the prospect of either Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio running for President, and Hillary Clinton leads the entire field of potential GOP candidates in the state. here
 Only 37% of Florida voters think Jeb Bush should run for President, to 52% who say they think he shouldn't. The numbers for Marco Rubio on that front are almost identical- 35% say he should run to 51% who believe he should sit it out. The lack of enthusiasm for either Bush or Rubio making a White House bid is at least partially a function of their not being terribly popular. 45% of voters approve of the job Rubio is doing as a Senator to 40% who disapprove. Bush's favorability numbers are similar with 45% giving him good marks to 42% with a negative opinion.

The Awesome City Of St. Petersburg, Florida

Racist Fort Lauderdale Cops Fired

After a five-month investigation, three Fort Lauderdale officers were fired and one resigned when it was determined that they regularly exchanged racist text messages and filmed a video promoting the KKK. here

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Lying "Americans for Prosperity": Florida

A group backed by the Koch brothers
is arguing a proposed constitutional amendment that would change Florida solar energy regulations will lead the Sunshine State down a dark path. here

Recent solar energy policies in Georgia "have resulted in rate hikes and did not result in solar becoming any more economically viable."
— Americans for Prosperity: Florida on Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 in a news release.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Rice and Yuca
At Tierra Latina Supermarket in Tampa

Miami Beach Sea Level Rise, Paradise Lost!

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Earth Hour 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Alan Grayson For Senate

Grayson is one of the party's foremost firebrands, has a history of mounting nasty primary campaigns and has more than a passing interesting in mounting a Senate campaign of his own. And if he does, Democrats are likely headed toward an ugly, intraparty battle—and there's little the establishment could do to stop it. here

Hillsborough County Corporate Welfare

Hillsborough County approved a local incentive match of $69,000 to Gateway One Lending & Finance in support of Florida Inc.'s commitment of $276,000. here 

2015 Walk to Cure Arthritis - Tampa, FL

Welcome to the Donation Page of local hero
Jacob Rodriguez here

#A1 // OO's Stone Soup

Wednesday, April 1at 5:15pm
Orlando City Hall

Marco Rubio: Big Fan Of Not Voting

Florida Legislature attacks women

The Florida Legislature is in session again and, just like last year, 
extremist politicians 
are trying to interfere in women’s lives.
Two bills that would severely limit Florida women’s access to abortion are already moving through the legislature. One would impose a mandatory waiting period on women seeking an abortion. The other would impose medically unnecessary requirements on any medical clinic that provides abortion care, forcing many clinics to close. here

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Demand that the bill #SB300 pass the Senate!

Transportation Committee Chair - Rep. Jeff Brandes
Call his Tallahassee Phone: (850) 487-5022
Tweet him: @JeffreyBrandes support #SB300 now! 
Not1More deportation!

Draft Mary Mulhern

From the DFA meetings at the Piccadilly Cafeteria in Carrollwood many years ago to now, we need Mary Mulhern serving us, If she is up to it. Thank you for all you have done.

South Florida's Rising Seas

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Stuffed Peppers
With Rice and Salad
At Grandma's Kitchen 3 on Florida Ave in Tampa
Sis i took half of it home for dinner!

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy Wants To Be Our Senator


 Votes With GOP To Create 

Benghazi Committee

Helps Drown South Florida

Backs Keystone XL

Promotes government-by-crisis

Votes For CRomnibus


A search of the Miami Dade Supervisor of Elections records shows that Murphy was a registered Republican in Miami-Dade county from 2004 up until January of 2011 and he cast his vote in the 2010 elections as a registered Republican.

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Monday, March 23, 2015

Ted Cruz for President

He went to Harvard

Must See: The Republican Strategy: Scare Americans To Death

One of the only things that the Republican Party actually excels at is telling the American public WHAT they need to be afraid of. At the heart of all of their messaging is FEAR. The Republican Party needs the American public to be afraid, because they know that fear leads people to make irrational decisions – like voting Republican – so they’ve mastered psychological manipulation and they use it to their advantage.  

Free Lube For Tampa GOP Voters

Get out and VOTE 
let's keep Tampa's City Council BLUE
GOP Voters and Dems who don't vote, we know you guys like to take it deep so we are offering a free tube of Warming Jelly to make THE Experience More Memorable.
Want to keep this corporatist Republican out? Call
Mike Fox 727-320-4502