Saturday, May 12, 2007

Take Action May 26th, 27th, 28th. As citizens, we honor and support our troops for their service and sacrifice.
As Americans, we are blessed by that sacrifice and support, which keeps us safe and keeps us strong.As patriots, we call on our government to support our troops in the most important way it can - by ending this war and bringing them home.
This Memorial Day weekend, we will all take responsibility for the country we love and the men and women who protect it. We will volunteer, we will pray, and we will speak out. Each of us has a responsibility to act, a duty to our troops and to each other. Support the troops. End the war.

A Racist Would Never Move To This Neighborhood
I’m A White Woman Living In A Black Neighborhood
And I’m turning into a racist because of it. I don’t say this proudly; quite the opposite: I am ashamed. But that doesn’t change what I have become. Almost two years ago, I bought a house in Bartlett Park, a predominantly black neighborhood in what we used to call the “south side” but now refer to as “Midtown”. Here I have been forced to acknowledge the racist within me. Please understand: I am not proud of this; I’m simply not willing to pretend......more...via blurbex

Excelent Article From A Courageous Woman
Best Of Right Wing Howler
The Man Who Would Have Done Nothing
Al Gore would have done nothing in retaliation against the attacks upon the United States on 9/11. He would have taken the route of his mentor, Bill Clinton, and at most lobbed a few cruise missiles at some tent. The Taliban would still be in power, Saddam would still be sitting on his throne in Iraq with his arsenal intact and growing, and Osama would be operating and training out in the open, expanding into the friendly territory of Iraq.......more

VideoVets: Rose Forrest

Friday, May 11, 2007

Saint Vincent College
Where Hypocrisy Is Our Middle Name
Capitol Hill has nothing on tiny St. Vincent College, where Bush gave the commencement address Friday. Bush was welcomed warmly, with cheers and applause filling the school gymnasium. School officials said there had never been as large a participation rate in a graduation ceremony.......more

This College Is Proud Of Its Roman Catholic, Benedictine Heritage. School President Jim Towey Served As Legal Counsel To Mother Teresa for 12 years. Welcomed Warmly With Cheers And Applause? I Don't Get It. What Am I Missing Here.

Faux Whore John Gibson Wants Michael Moore To Suffer!

If documaker Michael Moore didn't already have a marketing campaign lined up for the imminent Cannes bow of his latest work, "SiCKO," the Bush administration and its allies have handed him one on a silver platter.

CBS fires Gen. Batiste over VoteVets ad

Iraq veteran Gen. John Batiste “has been asked to leave his position as a consultant to CBS News” over a new VoteVets ad criticizing the Iraq war. He was interviewed tonight by MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann.

Motherhood Manifesto
Free DVD From

Watch the edgy, factual, and at times funny film that shows where the U.S. really stands on family-friendly policies, offers personal stories of families across the nation, and shares
WMNF Tropical Heatwave

VideoVets: Peter Granato

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Killing On The Installment Plan
The Democratic-controlled House voted Thursday night to pay for military operations in Iraq on an installment plan, defying Bush's threat of a second straight veto in a fierce test of wills over the unpopular war.....more
At This Rate We Will Never Get Out Of Iraq. I Don't Think The Dems Are Getting Our Message
Terrorist Luis Posada Carriles
Could Be Tried In New Jersey
A grand jury is meeting in Newark to decide whether to indict Posada on charges of financing a terrorist operation. FBI agents visited Havana last year in connection with the probe, following up on a 1998 trip to the island.....more

‘’The prosecution never charged him for being what he is _ a terrorist,'’ The Communist Party Granma
He Says He Is Going To Spill The Beans If Tried, I Can't Wait To Hear What He Has To Say
Steal From The Poor, Give To The Rich
Not In Riviera Beach, Florida
Two national advocacy groups dropped lawsuits Thursday against this downtrodden city aimed at stopping one of the nation's largest eminent domain projects after the city said it would not force residents from their homes. The move comes one year after Florida enacted a law that prohibits the use of eminent domain for private development. It Was This Guys Idea, Mayor Michael Brown, But he was ousted from office in March, and a new city council and mayor pledged to abide by state law......more
Bush Administration Goes After Michael Moore
Academy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore is under investigation by the U.S. Treasury Department for taking ailing Sept. 11 rescue workers to Cuba for a segment in his upcoming health-care documentary "Sicko,".......more
End The Embargo On The Cuban People
The Dissolving GOP
Wind's Going To Blow It Away
I can't psychoanalyze those guys. I think the GOP was dissolving. Now it's drying up and the wind's going to blow it away. I just don't think we have the depth of knowledge, intellect, and experience necessary for a viable political party any more.....Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R-Md.)


Sean Hannity Bashes, Firedoglake, Democrats

VideoVets: John Bruhns

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Conservative Assault On America's Families
The “you are on your own”
Notion of government and freedom has meant that American families must live with stagnant wages at a time of high profits and productivity without a way to get ahead no matter how hard they try. It has meant health insecurity for workers and their families as fewer and fewer jobs provide health care coverage. It has meant that workers face their older years without the means they counted on to retire, as corporations have slashed traditional pension plans. And it has meant that half of Americans don’t have the fundamental right to take a day off from work when they are sick without losing a job or a paycheck......more
Art Car Parade
Houston's Don't Miss Event
I Guess There Were Protesters At Roves Event
Something Jeremy Wallace Of The Herald Tribune Failed To Mention
Though their specific concerns varied, the protesters stood together along southbound U.S. 41 in Punta Gorda Saturday in response to one event: Karl Rove's appearance at the Charlotte County Republicans' Lincoln Day Dinner Gala, held that evening at Benedetto's Restaurant in Punta Gorda........more
Here Is What Mr. Wallace Had To here

Conservatism Has Failed
Conservatism Is Dead
Watching the Republican debate last week really highlighted the fact that conservatism is dead. Not so much in the sense that no one believes in it anymore (those 20 percenters are still hangin’ on), but that it has been discredited to the point that very few are willing to give it another chance......more

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

One In Eight Iraqi Child Dead
Before Reaching Their Fifth Birthday
The chance that an Iraqi child will live beyond age five has plummetted faster than anywhere else in the world since 1990, said a report released Tuesday, which placed the country last in its child survival rankings.....more

State of the World’s Mothers Report
Italy's Neo-Fascist National Alliance Party
Giving Italians Free Urine Test
Milan authorities are handing out free urine testing kits to parents of teenagers so they can find out if their children are using illegal drugs. In a part of the northern Italian city controlled by the right-wing National Alliance party, almost 4,000 families will receive a coupon which they can exchange for a kit to test for some of the most widely used drugs including cannabis and cocaine......more
Lets All Pee Pee In The Cup
Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Mario Diaz-Balart
Support Terrorist Luis Posada Carriles
South Florida’s three Cuban-American members of congress today are denouncing the Justice Department’s cooperation with the government of Cuba on collecting evidence in the Luis Posada Carriles case.......more

Monday, May 7, 2007

May Day Cops Off LA Streets
Police Chief William Bratton said Sunday that up to 60 members of an elite squad that swarmed into a park and fired rubber bullets during a May Day immigration rally are no longer on the street......more
"I'm not going to defend the indefensible," Bratton told journalists
We Still Have The Video, What Will These Cops Tell Their Children?
RFK: Rove, 'Should be in jail,' Not In Office
He Is Very Good In The Caging’ Technique
Voting rights attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has called for prison time for the new US Attorney for Arkansas, Timothy Griffin and investigation of Griffin’s former boss, Karl Rove, chief political advisor to President
Now Thats What I'm Talking About Mr. Star, Fix Elections And Compromise Your Countrys Democracy.....As Long As Your Side Wins. Couldn't This Also Be Treason?
Dean says Dems playing nice -- for now
Democrats running for president this year probably won't play nice with one another much longer, but they are staying together on issues important to voters, national party Chairman Howard Dean told a Dartmouth College audience Monday......more

Sunday, May 6, 2007

West Tampa Neighborhood Contaminated
Stay Away From 1707 West Arch Street
The chemical Perchloroethylene, is being improperly released into the environment at 7000 times the allowed limit. Cancer survivor Annette Jackson has lived just a block away from the plant for the past 23 years and says the news has her upset and worried. D.E.P. found high levels of the chemical in ground and water samples taken just outside. As much as 1000 gallons of the chemical was improperly stored and disposed of........more
Simply Unfucking Believable
Sarasota County Deputies Raid Jim Neville Island
Looking For Pirates With A Tiki Bar Stocked With Booze
The Sheriff's Office says it had complaints about the campers and knew they were there, but deputies could not find them from the air because the brush was so thick. On March 29 the helicopter's thermal imaging equipment spotted 17 sources of fire -- the campsite and tiki torches......more

About The Jim Neville
Charlotte County Republican Party
Host War Criminal
A controversial war, investigations, plummeting polls and feisty Democrats have made it a tough year for the man known as "Bush's Brain." But you wouldn't know it from the applause a jovial Karl Rove received as he stepped to the lectern at the Best Western Hotel in Punta Gorda on Saturday night at the Charlotte County Lincoln Day Dinner.....more
"I think he is still a political genius," said Bob Starr, Charlotte County Gop

Political Genius = Fix Elections And Compromise Your Countrys Democracy
No One Righted "The Horrible Thing"
Charlie Give Alan Crotzer His Money
The Legislature left town Friday and Alan Crotzer didn't get a penny. No one righted "the horrible thing" that had happened to him, as Gov. Charlie Crist called it when he pledged Crotzer his support on the Capitol steps.......more
Best Of Right Wing Howler: April 27, 2006
So is it any surprise they will not buy into the advertising nor buy the books Kos sells? They want it given to them. They just want a place where they can smoke their dope, wear their patchouli, dress in their Birkenstocks and protest the fact no one gives them what they want?....more

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Howard Dean
Cinco de Mayo commemorates the battle at Puebla in 1862 when Mexican soldiers defeated an invading imperial force more than twice their size. It was a victory for freedom and liberty. Today, a similarly disproportional assault is being waged on family values by Republicans in Washington, including President Bush', who wants to derail comprehensive immigration reform and divide families merely for political gain.......more
Obama, Myspace, and GOP Misinformation
Recently blogs and newspapers have been buzzing about how the Barack Obama campaign took over the url from an Obama fan who started the page back in 2005. While the story is about whether the Obama campaign bullied the volunteer, the bigger story is about the way Republicans and Obama’s Democratic critics are using this as an attempt at misinformation......more
Hong Kong Willie Still Sticking It To The Man
An artist's collective that makes art out of buoys, burlap bags and other discards. Founded in 1965. Stop in and say hello to Kim and Joe. They need our support. You know where it is, that colorful looking place on Fletcher Ave and I75. Check out Willie's blog

Friday, May 4, 2007

Rageh Inside Iran

Rageh Omaar embarks on a unique journey inside what he describes as one of the most misunderstood countries in the world, looking at the country through the eyes of people rarely heard - ordinary Iranians. From The BBC - Runtime 98

Great Film, If You Haven't Seen It You Should.
Prison Pups
Inmate Edward Parent, who is serving a ten-year sentence for a DUI death resulting in a conviction, sits with Chuck, a black Labrador he is training to be a service dog as part of NEADS' Prison Pup program, at the John J Moran medium security prison in Cranston, Rhode Island, in this April 24, 2007 file photo. Dozens of dogs are being trained by prison inmates in a fast-growing program that provides "service dogs" to help U.S. veterans who have lost arms and legs or suffered brain injuries in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.......ahnc
Prison Pups
Joan Baez Banned By Army
Legendary folk singer and antiwar activist Joan Baez has been denied permission to sing at a concert for wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. John Mellencamp had asked her to perform with him last Friday and that she accepted his invitation. But then the Army subsequently refused to let her take part. Mellencamp told that when they asked why, the reply they got was, "She can't fit here."
Interview With Amy

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Hague
Home To The International Criminal Court
Established in 2002 as a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression, although it cannot currently exercise its jurisdiction over the crime of aggression. The court can only prosecute crimes committed on or after July 1, 2002, the date its founding treaty, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, entered into force. As of May 2007, 104 states are members of the Court, and a further 41 countries have signed but not ratified the Rome Statute. However, a number of states, including the United States, China and India, continue to oppose it......Wikipedia
With All The Talk Of Impeachment, I Like This Idea Better, Just A Thought

We The People

Ava Lowery - Mission Accomplished - 4 Years Later

I'm The Commander Guy

"The question is, who ought to make that decision? The Congress or the commanders? And as you know, my position is clear—I'm the commander guy.".....GW Bush

I Guess The Decider Didn't Go Over To Well. A New One For Who's Listening.

LAPD Rampage

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

"This is a government that can't find a 6-foot-4 terrorist. How is it going to find 12 million people?"........Howard Dean
Robert Derga's Pen
Bush signed the veto with a pen given to him by Robert Derga, the father of Marine Corps Reserve Cpl. Dustin Derga, who was killed in Iraq on May 8, 2005. The elder Derga spoke with Bush two weeks ago at a meeting the president had with military families at the White House. Derga asked Bush to promise to use the pen in his veto. On Tuesday, Derga contacted the White House to remind Bush to use the pen, and so he did........more
"The battle is not over, It's a war on terrorism. The terrorists are still there. If we don't stay, they will be back again. They're not going to give up. We shouldn't either.".........Robert Derga
Satan's Minions Misbehavin' On Dale Mabry Highway

Howard Dean calls leading immigration proposal 'insane'

Monday, April 30, 2007

Abraham Lincoln Brigade

In July 1936, rightwing military officers led by fascist General Franco attempted to overthrow the newly elected democratic government of Spain. Hitler and Mussolini quickly joined in support of Franco. In response, nearly 3,000 Americans defied the US government to volunteer to fight in the Spanish Civil War, they called themselves Abraham Lincoln

"No man ever entered the earth more honorably than those who died in Spain."......Ernest Hemingway

"Into the Fire: American Women in the Spanish Civil War"
Seminole Heights Strikes Back
Nothing like taking a story out of context and jumping to the wrong conclusions. The St. Pete Times latched on to a discussion back in February about the encroachment of latino-oriented restaurants upsetting the neighborhood. Of course it didn't take long for someone without all the facts to pull a Johnny Cochrane and immediately cry foul, and claim we're all a bunch of stuck up racists in Seminole Heights......more

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Odyssey's Shipwreck!
Pirates & Treasure To Open At Mosi June 22
Odyssey Marine Exploration, a leader in the field of deep-ocean shipwreck exploration, announced that its subsidiary, Odyssey Marine Entertainment, Inc., will open SHIPWRECK! Pirates & Treasure, an interactive shipwreck and treasure exhibit at the Museum of Science & Industry (MOSI) in Tampa, Florida. The exhibit is scheduled to run from June 22, 2007 through January 31,

For more information about the exhibition, please visit