Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Who is Rick Scott prioritizing?

"Turns out that in an election year, Rick Scott doesn't mind spending taxpayer money. The governor on Monday signed into law the largest state budget ever while vetoing the smallest amount of spending since taking office. That leaves in place hundreds of millions in legislative special projects, many of which never received a full public vetting. This is a budget grounded more in Scott's re-election campaign than in his professed fiscal conservatism." MUST READ 

An American Betrayal

George Clooney 2016?

He has big ambitions and aims to get into politics imminently. He wants to do more humanitarian work and hopes to join the Democrats' 
2016 election campaign......more

America Is Becoming More Liberal

Why are there more moderate Democrats than moderate Republicans? This has never been because Democrats are spineless wimps 
who won't stand up for liberal values. 
The main reason is simple: there aren't very many self-identified liberals in America......more>
 But Gallup reports that this is changing

Rick Scott's Definition of "Important"

Monday, June 2, 2014

Attorney General Pam Bondi's Significant Public Harm To Florida

     --Cutting education spending by more than $1 billion
    --Denying 1 million Floridians affordable health care
    --Limiting access to the polls
    --Ignoring climate change and its effects on Florida

Allowing loving couples the freedom to marry? Not on the list!

Stogie's Gift Shop

Check out our other stuff here

Emissions rules hit Florida hard

The Sunshine State ranks second, 
behind Texas, in carbon dioxide emitted by power plants: 116.3 million tons in 2013.
The Environmental Protection Agency will announce proposed rules on Monday for regulating greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants. Florida is likely to feel a large impact......more
Pic Nieman Foundation

US Supreme Court Strikes Down Florida Law

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in 
Hall v. Florida
A little followed case involving the standard for intellectual disability. It has been widely ridiculed by experts and now, in a 5-4 decision, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy has ruled that such a rule violated the Eighth Amendment and runs counter to recognized scientific standards.....more

Elizabeth Warren-Thomas Piketty Virtual Watch Party


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bear Naps In A Hammock In Daytona

Ted Cruz 2016

In a GOP straw poll of possible 2016 presidential contenders taken last week,
Ted Cruz once again came out on top. more>

Go Ted
Our very reliable Liberal plant.
Lets just give the job to Clinton now
and save everyone alot of money!  

Goodbye Miami

Rick Scott
doesn't have a plan for climate change

He Doesn't Want To Talk About It


Scott, Rubio Pissing Off Scientists

“I’m not a scientist,” said Florida Governor Rick Scott last week, when asked if he thought man-made climate change was affecting the weather. “I’m not a scientist,” said Sen. Marco Rubio in 2009, his first in a long line of statement denying climate change.

Stop the Medicaid Blockade: Apply for a Campaign Strategy Grant

We're awarding mini-grants for teams of MoveOn members running creative campaigns to expand Medicaid in their states.

This Is How A Real Liberal Sounds

Marianne Williamson is running as an independent for the U.S. House of Representatives, California District 33. Please visit her website, http://marianneforcongress.com for more information. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Lobbyist Carlos Curbelo

The Supreme Court’s latest ruling makes it even easier for out-of-state millionaires to give more money to buy elections for lobbyists 
likeCarlos Curbelo who are only looking after the interests of their billionaire donors and not the people they are supposed to represent.

Tampa’s Jackson House

Entertainers and musicians like Ella Fitzgerald, 
Cab Calloway, James Brown, Ray Charles, 
and Count Basie have all called this hallowed haven home, at least for a few nights.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicken with Potatoes and Brocoli.
$8.00 at Uncle Fats in Temple Terrace

Florida GOP And Prison Rape

Florida and 6 other states, all led by 
Republican governors, are defying a federal law aimed at cracking down on the nationwide epidemic of prison rape—and on Wednesday, 
the Obama administration 
started calling them out. Here 

Jacksonville demands: ‘Angela Corey out now!’

On May 27, two dozen supporters gathered 
for a press conference announcing the
 Jacksonville Progressive Coalition's 
campaign launch to get 
State Attorney Angela Corey 
out of office.

Florida's Gerrymandering GOP

Jonathan Katz, a professor at the 
California Institute of Technology 
testified in court that
 Florida's congressional map 
was heavily biased toward electing 
despite the state's Democratic-edge in voters," 
the Orlando Sentinel reports.

Obama "Deporter-In-Chief"

Obama Continues 
Record Deportations, 
Delays Immigration Reforms 
In Order to Court Republicans. more>

Miami Gardens Police Corruption

In a city of 110,754 since 2008, 
police have stopped and questioned 
56,922 people who were not arrested, 
with a total of 99,980 stops that led to no arrest and 250 individuals who were stopped 
more than 20 times each....more>

 it is department policy.  to detain any black male they see between the ages of 15 and 30 and frisk them in hopes of finding 
something to charge them with.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Pam Bondi Sees Harm in Recognizing Gay Marriage

Florida's attorney general contends in recently-filed court documents that recognizing same sex marriages performed in other states would disrupt Florida's existing marriage laws and "impose significant public harm." 
Attorney General Pam Bondi, a Republican 
along with fellow Republican 
Gov. Rick Scott 
and other state officials, earlier this month filed a lengthy response that asks a federal judge to throw out the lawsuit for several reasons, 
saying a federal court shouldn't rule on 
a state's marriage laws.......more

Florida Worst Gerrymandered State

When it comes to manipulating 
political boundaries 
to favor one party, Florida stands above all other states. 
In 2012, Republican candidates for the House of Representatives in Florida won 53% of the vote, 
but gained 63% of the seats......more>

GOP BS: Marco Rubio Mostly False

Surface temperatures on Earth "have stabilized."

Marco Rubio on Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 in an interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly

Floridian Richard Rowe

7 generation native Floridian
Born and raised in the Ocala National Forest
Why I Hate a Whole Generation, and Why You Should Too
America’s Worst Generation — Generation Hate, Generation Greed
aka “The Silent Generation

The RightWing’s Desperate Attempt To Control The Florida Supreme Court

There’s a constitutional amendment on the ballot to let Gov. Rick Scott pack the court 
if he is re-elected. The right wing already has a foothold in the Supreme Court with 
Chief Justice Ricky Polston and
Justice Charles Canady.......more>

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Yolanda Fernandez Joins The Kriseman Administration

St. Petersburg Police Department spokesperson 
and Community Awareness Manager. here

Drug Free Florida Hires Tobacco Lobbyist And longtime Republican Operative Sarah Bascom

What Drug Free Florida is truly all about
United for Care, the main organization advocating for the approval of Florida Amendment 2 allowing for the medical use of marijuana in the state, expressed it’s dismay at Drug Free Florida’s hiring
Bascom. She joins a team riddled with credibility issues. Drug Free Florida is headed by controversial Reagan-era drug policy aide Carlton Turner, who has been quoted as stating that marijuana “leads to homosexuality…and therefore to AIDS.” It is
solely financed by
Saint Petersburg developer Mel Sembler.
It reported zero contributions from no donors in 
the month of April.....more>

Check out Stogie's Smoke Shop,

Kush Liberty 
Needs Freedom Fighters  here

Tampa's Paws for a Cause

Residents of Seminole Heights to help raise funds to assist in the rebuilding of the Animal Coalition of Tampa (A.C.T.). On April 19th, the A.C.T Building was burned and three (3) cats killed in a suspected arson. The fire caused an estimated $200,000 in damage and forced closure of the building and its services. 
Saturday, May 31st, from 10am-2pm 
Seminole Heights United 
Methodist Church 
6111 N Central Avenue, Tampa
(corner of Hanna and Central)

Florida #VoteYesOn1

Would you like a free campaign bumper sticker? We're still collecting your #voteyeson1 selfies. All you have to do is take a picture of yourself with your index finger raised as a symbol of your pledge to Vote Yes on Amendment 1. You can also hold a sign with the #voteyeson1 hashtag! There are lots of ways to show your support. In exchange, we'll send you a free campaign bumper sticker. Details here! 

What’s Your Plan, Gov?

The What’s Your Plan, Gov? 
campaign is offering a $100 reward to the first ten individuals who send in usable video footage of you or a friend speaking with the governor in person and capturing his response to the question, “Gov. Scott, what’s your plan for climate change in Florida?” (See below for how to enter the contest.)
Send your footage to admin@whatsyourplangov.com 
for your video to be entered. If your video meets the criteria, we have $100 to send your way as a thank you for standing up on this important issue.

Freedom Fighters Needed In Florida

Kush Liberty 
Needs Freedom Fighters 
Only 158 days left

Tampa Police Love To Write Cheap Tickets

Tampa Police Like To Write Cheap Traffic... by skunkapehunter

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Maya Angelou RIP

April 4, 1928 - May 28, 2014 
Visit her here

Have A Beer With Macho In Palm Harbor

Pinellas County Commission 
Candidate offers AR-15 rifle to draw crowd to campaign event here

Celebrate Small Business

Banished! - Florida's Paedophile Village

In Rick Scott's Florida

Rick Scott was a stranger to Floridians. 
Then he spent $73 million and rode n angry voter wave to the Governor's Mansion. 
For Florida, this has been a hostile takeover by the former CEO of the nation's 
largest hospital chain. In three years 
Scott has done more harm than any modern governor, from voting rights to privacy rights, public schools to higher education, environmental protection to health care. 
One more legislative session and a $100 million re-election campaign will not undo the damage.
This is the tin man as governor, a chief executive who shows no heartfelt connection to the state, appreciation for its values 
or compassion for its residents. Scott, moved to Naples just seven years before running for governor, he treats Florida like another faceless corporate acquisition to be 
dismantled and repackaged. 
In Scott's Florida, it is harder for citizens to vote and for the jobless to collect unemployment. It is easier for renters to be evicted and for borrowers to be charged high interest rates on short-term loans. It is harder for patients to win claims against doctors who hurt them and for consumers to get fair treatment from car dealers who deceive them. It is easier for businesses to avoid paying taxes, building roads and repairing environmental damage

Mario Hernandez was sworn in as a U.S. citizen!

A Click Of Your Mouse Can Make A Difference 
Thanks to the nearly 90,000 people who signed my petition on Change.org to naturalize 
Mario Hernandez, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services got the message and not only approved his naturalization, 
they also apologized for the delay! 
I hope that Mario's victory today reinforces the notion that when we act together, we can do great things. 
We couldn't have done this without you!
Thank you, 
Bonita Hernandez
Tallahassee, FL

Democratic Pinellas

Khavari for Governor, Florida 2014

Florida can lead the nation, 
and feed the nation
with non-GMO and organic foods and livestock and poultry grown by Floridians 
earning a living wage. 
We can process this food and sell it all over America, and even export to other countries.

Rick Scott: "I’m not a scientist"

when asked about anthropogenic global warming during a Tuesday stop in Miami.
First Marco Rubio, now another far-right GOP policymaker from the Sunshine State.

Read m
ore here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2014/05/rick-scott-wont-say-if-he-thinks-man-made-climate-change-is-real-significant.html#storylink=cpy