Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Free Parking In Ybor City

At long last, those going to shop or dine in Ybor City can enjoy free parking at some locations. The city is removing meters from the streets of Ybor City and turning the spots into two-hour parking spaces.......here

Florida's Cuban-American Congressional Republicans

After the 2006 elections, Garcia said polling in the three congressional districts based in Miami-Dade County produced results he termed amazing. "The most Republican of the districts is Lincoln Diaz-Balart's. His signature issue is Cuba [but] 54 percent of the district disagrees with his position on Cuba." What's more, Garcia said, Cuba was only the fifth most important issue in the district.......here

The Corrs - Toss The Feathers

Street's Of Tampa

Monday, March 17, 2008

Tampa Bicycle Cooperative!

Tampa will soon have a bicycle cooperative! This is very exciting news for the Tampa cycling community in that a bicycle co-op is a good sign of a healthy and growing bicycle culture......here

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Anonymous In Clearwater, Florida

Florida Panther Tracks In Volusia County

There is proof a panther has been roaming around Central Florida, according to wildlife officials. Recognizing the recent discovery of the panther tracks, Gov. Charlie Crist designated Saturday, "Save the Panther Day," and is urging people to help preserve and protect the remaining population, estimated to be anywhere from 80 to 100.......here

Gays In South Florida, We're Here. Get Used To It

From mounting a major offensive against Fort Lauderdale's mayor to winning county protections for transgender residents, South Florida's gay community wants politicians to know: We're here. Get used to it.........here

The Tiny Island Of Chokoloskee, Florida

Ed Watson was not a nice man. He lived on another small island and raised various small crops. He would "hire" help, making the men stay on his island until all the planting, caring for and harvesting was done. Then, instead of paying them like he said he would, he'd simply shoot them and bury them..........more

African-American Art Exhibit Coming to South Florida

The Norton Museum of Art will present an exhibition drawn from the artistic and historical treasures collected by Bernard and Shirley Kinsey of Los Angeles, California. The exhibition, "In The Hands Of African American Collectors: The Personal Treasures of Bernard and Shirley Kinsey," includes some 90 paintings, sculptures, prints, books, documents, manuscripts and vintage photographs the couple has loaned to the Norton Museum from their personal collection.........here

Absentee Ballots Go Missing In Pinellas County

The ballots for the March 25 primary in the House District 55 race were delivered to a postal center on Monday, but officials don't know what happened to them after that........here

Local Terrorist Groups According To The Duke Of Sarasota

Anti-war protests are scheduled for March 19th, the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, in Tampa, Florida by the following anti-war/Socialist/Communist/radical Islamic groups........here

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Audacity of Hope In Ybor City

The Sixth Connection polled passersby in Ybor City to find out who's winning their vote for the 2008 Presidency. Filmed during Hypnotiq Thursdays outside of The Lucky Hookah Lounge, 1910 e 7th ave, Ybor City

South Florida Gas Stations Get Ethanol Blends

E10 contains 90 percent gasoline and 10 percent ethanol and began arriving in area stations at the end of last year. Among the brands that have E10 at some or all of their South Florida stations are Marathon, Hess, Murphy Oil USA, Pilot and Racetrac. Virtually all the marketers in Florida are moving toward 10 percent ethanol blends as rapidly as they are able.......here

Pelosi Leads DCCC In Supporting Florida's Democratic Challengers

Dated March 14, the letter from the five top figures in the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee congratulates Joe Garcia on a "strong start" to his campaign for Florida Congressional District 25. Identical letters went to Raul Martinez, challenging in District 21, and to Annette Taddeo, candidate in District 18..........here

The Florida Torreya: One Of The World's Rarest Trees

Jackson County was once part of the natural habitat of the Florida Torreya tree.
Tens of thousands of these trees could be found growing in the region during the early 1800s, but today only around 200 survive on the entire earth.......more

Gov. Crist, Drug Laws Cause Crimes, Not Usage

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who has admitted smoking marijuana in his youth, opposes proposals to get drug offenders out of prison and into rehab. Crist said that reducing sentences for non-violent drug offenders would "sacrifice public safety,".......here

One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure

Airstream Ranch might be art, but it still doesn't comply with county codes, officials decided Friday. The 71/2 Airstream trailers planted nose down along Interstate 4 in Dover violate zoning and sign restrictions, as well as rules against debris and improper storage, the Hillsborough County Code Enforcement Board decided Friday..........here

Lee De Cesare's Last Post

Go to Fred Burns. He's running for the board. Do what Fred tells you to do. I also have recruited another young woman to run against the adulteress Falliero when her term is up in 09. Fred will eventually find out the young woman's name; then you two can collaborate on this problem. She's very young too. But so are the boys going to Iraq. Young people can be brave and do incredible things........here

Buddy Johnson's Foul Stench

Something doesn't smell right about Buddy Johnson's cattle operation. The Hillsborough County elections chief bought a piece of property last year for $800,000. He subdivided the 20 acres into six lots, plunked down some cows and applied for a huge tax break, calling it agricultural land.......here

Friday, March 14, 2008

Florida Senate Busy With Same-Sex Classes

A state senator is proposing to make same-sex classrooms common practice in Florida schools, but not everyone thinks the idea is a good idea. "The kids perform better, act better and they don't have the pressure of their hormones getting out of whack," said Sen. Stephen Wise, R-Jacksonville.......here

7,000 Inbreds In Panama City, Florida

"I cannot believe that I've been in jail and this was illegal," he said. "[Panama City] is a corrupt town, run by corrupt officials. This is just a whole crock...a sham with trumped-up charges. "I am in a town of about 7,000 inbreds who are totally corrupt.".......here

Democracy Inaction In Tamarac, Florida

Authorities in Tamarac, Florida held a referendum to annex an unincorporated community in Broward County. Notices were sent to the 68 registered voters in the Prospect Bend neighborhood, but none showed up to cast a ballot.........here

Hillsborough County Schools Sex Scandals

The arrest Thursday of a middle school teacher accused of having sex with a teenage student has thrust a Florida school district made famous by Debra Lafave into an uncomfortable yet familiar position.......here

First Black Woman As Florida Chief Justice

At a heady time when an African American and a woman are serious contenders for the White House, Florida marked its own milestone Friday. The state Supreme Court is about to get its first African-American woman chief justice.......more

Florida Red & Blue Introduces SayNo2 Campaign

Florida Red & Blue, the statewide organization that the Human Rights Campaign has partnered with to fight an anti-gay marriage amendment, has launched the Say No 2 campaign, urging voters to Vote No on Amendment 2, which will be on the November ballot........here

Debbie Wasserman Schultz , They're Bush Republicans

The big deal people have with this is not only that Rep. Wasserman Schultz is doing nothing, that's only part of the problem. The bigger problem is that she is praising the Republican when we have a Democratic challenger........here

Jim Hightower In Tampa

WMNF Presents an Evening with Jim Hightower
Saturday Apr 19, 7:00PM - Friday Morning Musicale - 809 Horatio St, Tampa, Florida
Buy Tickets

Billy Crystal Batting At The NY Yankees Game In Tampa

Senators Seek More Pay For Florida Pickers

Two Democratic senators threatened on Thursday to introduce legislation and scrutinize companies with government contracts to pressure Florida tomato growers to boost the wages of farm workers who work the state's tomato crop.........here

Florida's Weeki Wachee Becomes State Park

Florida is throwing a life preserver to the mermaids at Weeki Wachee Springs. The mermaids can continue fluttering their tails in choreographed underwater shows at the park, as they have for 60 years.........more

Florida Celebrates Oceans Day

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection today joined public and private partners to celebrate Florida Oceans Day at the Capitol. The annual event recognizes people and organizations who work to make the state's oceans and coasts cleaner, healthier and more productive.........more

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Florida's Democratic Party Worst In The Country

When you compare the number of Democrats in the state with the number of elections the party won, it really was no contest. The party has struggled to regain its footing since the exits of Lawton Chiles and Bob Graham who dominated the Democratic scene for three decades.........here

Florida Senate Busy With Droopy Pants

The Florida Senate wants public school students to pull up their pants. Lawmakers passed a bill on Thursday that could mean suspensions for students with droopy britches. It won't become law unless the House of Representatives passes a companion measure.........here

Kentucky Wants to Make Anonymous Internet Posting Illegal

Kentucky Representative Tim Couch filed a bill this week to make anonymous posting online illegal. If the bill becomes law, the website operator would have to pay if someone was allowed to post anonymously on their site. The fine would be five-hundred dollars for a first offense and one-thousand dollars for each offense after that.........here

South Florida Marks 5th Anniversary of War on Iraq

“Five Years is Five Too Many,” is the message that South Floridians will take to the streets next week to mark the 5th anniversary of the Bush administration’s War on Iraq, and to demand an end to the carnage. Numerous rallies, vigils, and exhibits throughout the U.S. will highlight the tragic cost of this war – in lives, tax dollars, and world opinion..........here

The Bush Secret Police aka (Firefighters)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hemingway's Cats

When Hemingway settled in Key West, Florida around 1931, he was gifted a six-toed cat by a ship's captain. Today there are around 60 descendants of that cat roaming freely........here

WMNF 88.5 Needs Our Cash

Send It.........here

South Florida: Don't Move Here

Bottom line: living here ain't what it used to be. But people gotta live. Some of us have our whole families down here, all our friends, our whole histories are tied up with this place. We're trying to make it down here, but the pressure's on. The benefits are evaporating and it's getting harder and harder just to live from day to day........here

Florida Senator Victor Crist Busy With Toilet Paper

A proposed law currently making its way through the Florida legislature might help you with what can be an embarrassing problem. Here’s the bottom line, the bill would be a mandate that all eating establishment must have enough toilet paper when you go into the restroom.......more

The Cheating Heart of Tampa

The methodology is a little suspect, but the results do suggest that married men in Tampa are more anxious to step out on their wives than their counterparts across the country. The Science of Cheating Blog posted phony personal ads on Craig's List soliciting extramarital affairs. Tampa men were positively Spitzeresque in their responses.........here

Tampa Televangelists Draw Senate Scrutiny

Two U.S. Senators sent out a new round of letters today to some of the nation’s most high-profile televangelists, urging them to turn over key financial records. One of the letters was mailed today to televangelists Randy and Paula White, who founded the Without Walls International Church in Tampa 16 years ago, calling it "the perfect church for people who are not."..........here

Five Cuban Soccer Players Missing In Tampa

Five members of the Cuban Under-23 national soccer team left their hotel Tuesday night and are unaccounted for, raising the possibility they may be trying to defect. The players were discovered to have left the team hotel hours after earning a 1-1 draw with the United States in the Pre-Olympic tournament.......here

Pam Iorio Touts Drop In Crime

She highlighted two neighborhoods – East Tampa and Ybor City – as examples of the crime reduction, saying these areas recorded crime drops of 15.6 percent and 9.4 percent, respectively. "Ybor City is safer than ever. It is blossoming. It is flourishing. It is a place to go out to dinner and have a great time," Iorio said.......here

Salvia Selling Like Crazy In Ybor City

It’s being called the new LSD. Fast-acting, cheap and very intense. Some people report feeling a sense of time-travel and an out-of-body experience. Kicks on 7th in Ybor City can’t seem to keep it in stock. It’s the biggest seller there........more

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Elected Officials Trashed Florida

Sadly, the fourth largest state in this nation is no longer “user friendly.” Florida was known as the promised land, but the boom times are over. Last year, more people left than came in........here

Georgia Governor Is "Really Thirsty"

"Hey, we used to own half the damn country. Look at that map." "I'll bet you with the right priced judge we could annex Alabama, bamboozle Florida and Hell, nobody wants Tennessee.".........more

University of Florida Expert On Fifth Anniversary Of Iraq War

As the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq approaches, anti-war groups are turning to tactics designed to provoke authorities to make arrests as a substitute for the kind of mass rallies they organized in the past, says a University of Florida researcher.......here

Florida Medical Records Sold at Utah Thrift Shop

Dozens of Florida hospital patients are outraged because their private medical records wound up for sale at a thrift shop in Utah. Central Florida Regional Hospital in Sanford shipped the patients' records by UPS in December.......more

Anti-Gay Hatred Rampant In Florida High School

This one is a little weird, but not unexpected, but you might want to brace yourself anyhow. The Ponce de Leon High School in the Florida panhandle has decided that it would be a really cool idea to ban symbols and speech which might prove supportive of GLBT rights........here

Red-Light Cameras Increase Crashes And Costs, USF Report Finds

Rather than improving motorist safety, red-light cameras significantly increase crashes and are a ticket to higher auto insurance premiums, researchers at the University of South Florida College of Public Health conclude.......here

Florida Legislators Busy With Sally-D

On Web sites touting the mind-blowing powers of Salvia divinorum, come-ons to buy the hallucinogenic herb are accompanied by warnings: "Time is running out!" and "stock up while you still can." Eight states have already placed restrictions on salvia, and 16 others, including Florida, are considering a ban or have previously........here

My Hero Rachel Maddow

The Rachel Maddow Show

Monday, March 10, 2008

Everglades Restoration Continues Despite Water Scarcity

South Florida experienced a severe water shortage during Water Year 2007, more than a foot below historic averages for the region. From May 1, 2006 to April 31, 2007, low rainfall reduced flows across the entire region, according the annual report released Tuesday by Florida state agencies......more