Saturday, July 15, 2023

On the abortion front, Florida faces a clash between potential ballot proposals in 2024

Last weekend in Miami Beach, organizers behind a constitutional amendment protecting abortion access on next year’s ballot say they’ve gathered more than 420,000 petitions and raised more than $4.7 million in just two months — but opponents are trying to slow their momentum.

While it’s received little media attention, a group called Protect Human Life Florida is working on their own effort to collect signatures for what they are calling the Human Life Protection Amendment, setting up a potential clash on abortion proposals on the November ballot in 2024.


Despite poor polling numbers, Kamala Harris viewed as key for Democrats in 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris’ poll numbers have stagnated at a lower level than many of her predecessors’ ratings, a daunting problem for a running mate as the 2024 Presidential campaign gets underway.....MORE

Buckle up America — drinking from the firehose of falsehoods

"They will no longer need a data center full of tech professionals wreaking havoc online. All they need is artificial intelligence to bring about a hurricane of disinformation or, as the Russian propagandists call it, a firehose of falsehoods during next year’s election cycle."....MORE

JENerational Change: President Obama vs. Dr. Cornel West w/ India Walton

Hosted by Jen Perelamn and Pter Hager

We'll be speaking with India Walton, former Democratic Nominee for Mayor of Buffalo, NY, about President Obama's behind the scenes maneuvering to usurp the growing support for Dr. Cornel West's Green Party Run.

We'll also be discussing the climate crisis & RFK NOT using Union Labor for his campaign merchandise.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Rep. Frost GRILLS Witnesses Over Pentagon Waste

DeSantis won’t decriminalize cannabis if elected POTUS; would any other candidate?

Taking questions on the campaign trail in South Carolina last month, Ron DeSantis was asked by a man, who would identify himself only as speaking on behalf of military veterans who have endured illness and injury while serving, whether he would decriminalize marijuana if elected president next year. more

Ybor Life

7th Ave

Wine Down Wednesday in Ybor

Ybor Bartenders

Tyler at Reservoir Bar

Tampa 5 arrests - all videos combined

Best Pizza in Ybor City

NY, NY Pizza on 7th Ave
Adding new dinning room soon.

Tampa 5 Rally Downtown

Support The Merchants Of Ybor

7th Ave

JenZ Report: Talking Mental Health & Therapy

GenZ discussion about mental health and therapy.

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave

JENerational Change: AOC Endorses Biden.. Asks Nothing For It w/ Ron Placone

Hosted by Jen Perelman and Peter Hagger

Ron Placone from Get Your News On With Ron returns to discuss how Big Tech is aiding enforcement of draconian anti-trans laws in Florida & beyond.

We'll also be discussing Governor Tony Evers & how working class Democratic politics are making a comeback in the Upper Midwest.

Tampa 5 member Lauren Pineiro speaks out on political repression of the student movement

Conflicting narratives shroud "Tampa Five" case

Lauren Pineiro, Jeanie Kida, Laura Rodriguez and Chrisley Carpio outside Tampa's 13th Judicial Circuit Court. Photo by Julio Rodriguez

Officers gave conflicting reports of what led to a clash with protesters. One said USF police chief Chris Daniel placed his hand on a student's upper back to escort her out; another said he told the student she was under arrest. Videos, however, show Daniel yanking student Victoria Hinckley's arm as she tries to explain the protesters' demands. USF later acknowledged some officers had not yet received small-unit crowd control training.....MORE

Help the Tampa 5 HERE
Sign the Petition HERE

The Tampa 5 are facing 10-plus years in jail! Drop the charges now!

Florida state prosecutor Justin Diaz it trying to put the Tampa 5 in prison.

The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) members, arrested at a campus protest against the racist agenda of Governor Ron DeSantis, each face a trumped-up felony charge, alleging “battery on a police officer,” carrying five years of jail time. When the activists rejected a plea deal requiring them to apologize for doing the right thing, the prosecutor added on more felony charges. This means that three of the activists are facing more than ten years behind bars. In addition, the activists face ten misdemeanor charges.

The five facing charges are Chrisley Carpio, Laura Rodriguez, Gia Davila, Lauren Pineiro and Jeanie Kida. They have done nothing wrong. They are heroes who are standing up to injustice.


Help them HERE
Sign the Petition HERE

U.S. sets a grim milestone with new record for the deadliest 6 months of mass killings

Slain at the hands of strangers or gunned down by loved ones. Massacred in small towns, in big cities, inside their own homes or outside in broad daylight. This year's unrelenting bloodshed across the U.S. has led to the grimmest of milestones: The deadliest six months of mass killings recorded since at least 2006.

From Jan. 1 to June 30, the nation endured 28 mass killings, all but one of which involved guns. The death toll rose just about every week, a constant cycle of violence and grief.

Six months. 181 days. 28 mass killings. 140 victims. One country.


What Stogie Had For Lunch

Blacken Fish
Dirty Rice and Stewed Okra and Tomatoes

 Mr B's Cafe - Ybor Heights

Rep. Maxwell Frost: 'Year After Year, The DOD Fails' To Produce A Clean Audit Of Spending

Justice for the Tampa 5!

New York activist solidarity with the Tampa 5

20 activists held a solidarity rally at City Hall in Manhattan to demand that charges be dropped against the Tampa 5. The Tampa 5 are campus activists arrested for protesting the attacks on education by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The solidarity rally was part of a national day of action on July 12.....MORE

Tampa Hoods

Ybor Heights

Did Trump just give DeSantis a boost?

Donald Trump just reminded Republican voters — even many who voted for him twice before — why they might want someone else to top the party’s ticket in 2024. Moreover, he may have singlehandedly breathed new life into Ron DeSantis’s struggling campaign.....MORE

Justice for the Tampa 5 Toolkit & Media Blast

Read the Justice for the Tampa 5 Toolkit & Media Blast HERE

Help them HERE
Sign the Petition HERE

Biden administration announces $39 billion in student debt relief for 804,000 borrowers

The Biden administration has announced that it will provide $39 billion in total student debt relief for 804,000 borrowers, its latest step since President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan was struck down by the Supreme Court.....MORE