Wednesday, July 19, 2023

DeSantis - AWOL

Florida Dems ask DeSantis to call special election for vacant house seats

“I think that the governor is distracted by his own ambitions in terms of running for president of the United States, and he’s not paying good attention to what’s happening here at home,” 
Rep. Fentrice Driskell said.,,,,MORE

Tampa 5 Rallies Around The Nation

Tampa 5 solidarity rally in Dallas
New Orleans activists demand charges against Tampa 5 be dropped
Los Angeles responds with solidarity for Tampa 5
Minneapolis solidarity for Tampa 5 at Mayday Plaza
Washington DC groups demand “Justice for the Tampa 5!”
Seattle activists rally to defend the Tampa 5
Chicago rally demands drop the charges on The Tampa 5
New York activist solidarity with the Tampa 5
Jacksonville rallies for Tampa 5
FSU students rally in support of USF students facing felony charges after protest

Donate HERE

Sign the Petition HERE

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tampa Hoods: Ybor Heights

Nebraska Ave

Dems rip Abbott over report Texas troopers were told to deny migrants water, push kids into Rio Grande

Democrats and Latino organizations are lambasting Texas officials over a report this week that the state’s troopers have been ordered to systematically violate the human rights of migrants, including by pushing children into the Rio Grande and denying water aid in extreme heat.....MORE

Very Well Said Rep. Tlaib

BREAKING NEWS: Rashida Tlaib Excoriates Israel As 'An Apartheid State' On House Floor

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave

City of Tampa reveals $2 billion plan to address transportation

After being ranked one of the most dangerous cities in the country for pedestrians and cyclists, Tampa city leaders unveiled a plan Tuesday to solve the problem. But it comes with a high price tag.

Mayor Jane Castor joined city leaders at a community center in West Tampa to discuss the Citywide Mobility Plan.


Condo associations say HOA insurance rates are soaring — leading to higher fees and special assessments

Credit: 10 Tampa Bay

Florida's insurance crisis is rapidly trickling its way down from single-family homes to condominiums.

Homeowners associations report insurance quotes are skyrocketing, leaving unit owners — many on fixed incomes — facing steep increases in monthly payments or even special assessments.


The Republican Party is dropping its Klan hood

The Republican brand is no longer bigger business and smaller government. It’s white supremacy. Their platform? White supremacy. Their political and social goals? White supremacy.

The U.S. Supreme Court seems to share the Republicans’ obsession with making America white again. Gutting the Voting Rights Act in 2013 and striking down affirmative action in university admissions dismisses the institutional racism of centuries of oppression, favoring instead the pale and the privileged.


DeSantis disappoints, and some Republicans seek new Trump-slaying savior

DeSantis is behind Trump in national polls and, more important, polls focused on the crucial early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire. more

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave

Rep. Maxwell Frost on America, Being in Congress, and How Gen Z Can Make an Impact

This shows that DeSantis is a loser in every sense of the word

Ron DeSantis deems Ukraine a ‘secondary or tertiary’ U.S. interest

Ron DeSantis continues to suggest Ukraine doesn’t matter that much to American foreign policy.

During a CNN interview with Jake Tapper, the Governor called Ukraine a “secondary or tertiary” American interest after Tapper reminded him he wanted to send the country weapons while in Congress.


Freedom to Vote Act—With Goals Backed by Majority of Americans—Reintroduced in Congress

Today, Members of Congress in both chambers reintroduced the Freedom to Vote Act, a comprehensive proposal that would increase Americans’ access to the ballot box, neutralize partisan and racial gerrymandering and increase transparency in our campaign finance system to counteract the impact of dark money secret spending.....MORE

What Biden’s SAVE plan means for student loan borrowers

Student loan borrowers could save thousands of dollars over the life of their loans due to changes to income driven repayment (IDR) plans set to go into effect this fall.....MORE

Veterans Warn That DeSantis' "State Guard" Is Being Trained As His Personal Militia

Justice for the Tampa 5!

Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society organizes around progressive issues on the University of South Florida campus.

Our current campaign is to Increase Black Enrollment and to Save Diversity at our school in lieu of recent attacks from governor Ron DeSantis on diversity, critical race theory, LGBTQ+ students, and women and gender studies. We are fighting these attacks from DeSantis, especially in the form of the trans healthcare survey at Florida colleges, the closing of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion boards at New College of Florida, and the newly introduced HB 999 which further restrains diversity, education and even multicultural clubs. Tampa Bay SDS held a protest to Mobilize to Save Diversity at which student protestors were brutalized, arrested, and assaulted by campus police. The Tampa 4 are four of the students that were arrested during this protest held to defend diversity at their school (USF) and resist DeSantis' attacks. A month after the protestor another student was added on to the criminal and academic charges, making them the Tampa 5. Donate to help the Tampa 5 with legal fees as well as those that have lost their jobs to the situation. Justice for the Tampa 5! Drop the charges now!

After having a very successful Emergency Conference to Defend the Tampa 5 with over 100 people attending from across the country, an Emergency Committee to Defend the Tampa 5 was formed from those in attendance. At the conference the committee resolved to do whatever is in our power to demand that the charges on the Tampa 5 be dropped. To raise the awareness of their case and to nationalize their case as well as organize around the country for the cause of Justice for the Tampa 5, the Tampa 5 will be going on a speaking tour. They have already spoken coast to coast in Miami and Seattle with more dates and cities in the planning. With travel and housing costs in mind please support us in this venture to nationalize the case of the Tampa 5. Donate to help the Tampa 5 raise their case to the national level through their national speaking tour!

Sign the petition HERE

Tampa Hoods: Ybor Heights

Nebraska Ave

Geo's Fine Wine & Champagne Bar in Ybor City

Ron DeSantis rolls out plan to remove ‘woke mind virus’ from the military

Ron DeSantis continues to root out the so-called “woke mind virus,” which he now says is in the U.S. Armed Forces, and which he intends to remove if elected President.

In South Carolina, the Florida Governor and presidential candidate excoriated a “military that has been ordered by civilian officials to pursue political ideology, to pursue social experimentation, to be yet another institution in American life that gets infected with the woke mind virus.”


What Stogie Had For Lunch

Carne Asada
Rica, Beans and Salad

El Sabor de Mexico
320 W. Waters Ave - Tampa

New College of Florida facing 'ridiculously high' level of faculty turnover

Amid heavy turnover, New College of Florida officials are in the process of filling 36 faculty positions ahead of the fall semester.

New College has secured signed offer letters for 15 incoming visiting faculty members as it looks to address what Provost Brad Thiessen called a “ridiculously high” level of turnover compared to previous years.


Trump notified he is target in DOJ’s Jan. 6 investigation

Former President Trump said Tuesday morning that he has been alerted he is a target of the Justice Department’s Jan. 6 investigation focusing on his efforts to stay in power after losing the 2020 election. 

Trump said he received the “target letter” Sunday evening.

“Deranged Jack Smith, the prosecutor with Joe Biden’s DOJ, sent a letter (again it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation, and giving me a very short 4 days to report to the Grand Jury, which almost always means an arrest and indictment.”


Monday, July 17, 2023

Democrats push DHS for plan to root out internal extremists

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas speaks during a Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing of the Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday, March 28, 2023.

More than 60 congressional Democrats are calling on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to detail “actions you have taken to weed out extremists within your ranks,” citing a report finding that members of far-right groups have ties to the department.

The letter, signed by members of both chambers, cites a Project on Government Oversight report from last year that found that more than 300 individuals of the far-right Oath Keepers militia “described themselves as current or former employees of the Department of Homeland Security.”


Migrant workers, advocates sue Florida over immigration law

Migrant workers and legal advocate groups are filing a lawsuit challenging Florida’s newest immigration law, Senate Bill 1718, which some consider to be the state’s toughest immigration crackdown to date.....MORE

It IS a racist state.....and Genocidal

A Democratic member of Congress may be trying to walk back her condemnation of Israel as a “racist state,” but for Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott, it’s too little, too late.....MORE

You've Gotta Try This: Tampa's On Swann

Millions could lose internet access next year — we can’t let that happen

Programs like the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) bridge the gap between thriving industries and the over 18.5 million enrolled households that would otherwise lack access to adequate and affordable broadband connections, allowing them to participate and excel in educational and professional pursuits. The ACP has been successful in helping underserved communities thrive, but its funding is projected to exhaust by 2024 if Congress doesn’t approve investments that match the need for connectivity in this country.....MORE