Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Ron DeSantis is planning to raise money for Donald Trump in Florida and Texas

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is planning to raise money for former President Donald Trump in the coming weeks, putting into action the commitment he made at a meeting with Trump last month to help his former rival for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, according to two people familiar with the matter.....Read More

Monday, May 13, 2024

Video shows dramatic moment when two jets touch wings during Fort Lauderdale Air Show

Audiences watched a frightening moment unfold at the Fort Lauderdale Air Show on Sunday afternoon, when two jets touched wings during a performance.

A video released Monday by the @frograilfanning account in YouTube, shows the moment the wingtips touch and both pilots go out of formation, before regaining control of their aircrafts. The incident happened during the Ghost Squadron’s performance, organizers said. The show was paused after an emergency was declared, as a precaution. Both jets were able to land safely and the pilots involved were unharmed.

The 2024 Air Show wrapped not long after the incident, ending a weekend of performances from an exciting lineup, including the US Air Force Thunderbirds, Ghost Squadron and Red Bull Helicopter.

Defense Secretary's Sharp Response to Matt Gaetz's Accusation


Crowbar - TIX

Florida Is Growing Faster Than You Can Imagine

Support The Merchants of Ybor

7th Ave

Passionate Ulta action by Democratic Congressman, Maxwell Frost and Hakeem Jeffries

Ybor Paparazzi


The AVE in Ybor City

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave

AOC and Bernie Sanders on the Choice Between Socialism and Barbarism

Join The Florida Mockingjays

The Worst News Out of Congress ALL YEAR

Ybor Life

7th Ave

The Florida GOP on Self-Defense from Bears on Crack

Ybor City Homeless


Republican Civil War Hits New Low

America Welcome to Florida's Sanctuary City

Where DeSantis rejects are Welcome! 
It’s late morning in Ybor City, and the streets are awakening as you walk to a local coffee shop to start your day discovering this “city within a city” in Tampa. Beyond the door to Blind Tiger Café, the aromas of freshly brewed coffee and right-out-of-the-oven pastries fill the air. Within moments, you're seated at a table, and a brimming cup of café con leche is set in front of you, as well as a healthy portion of hot, buttered Cuban toast. you take a sip from the steaming mug while plotting out the day ahead.

Back outside, Ybor City’s streets and buildings evoke a sense of the late-1800s. Shopkeepers open their storefronts along the narrow streets. The merchants and signs have changed since the 19th Century, but the buildings and vibe endure. Stopping in front of King Corona Cigars & Cafe, you're quickly reminded that Ybor City was once the “Cigar Capital of the World.” Factories within just a few miles of where you're standing produced hundreds of millions of cigars per year, and all of those cigars were hand-rolled in the Cuban tradition.

It’s afternoon when you emerge once again into the Florida sunshine, and decide it’s time to do a bit of window-shopping. As you continue your stroll, roaming roosters crow, certainly late for any wake-up call. Maybe they’re still sleepy from the night before.

As the evening descends on Ybor City, people begin to gather to celebrate the happiest of hours with cold pints poured at local breweries. Live music fills the night air from open doors of venues dotted throughout Ybor City: there’s Crowbar, The Ritz Ybor and a number of nightclubs scattered along 7th Avenue, all of which welcome both local and national bands to take their stages. And tucked inside The Columbia Restaurant, the state’s oldest restaurant, colorful flamenco dancers showcase their talents six nights a week to the delight of an inspired audience.

Mostly though, Historic Ybor City is a Sanctuary for everyone. People from all walks of life are welcome there without judgement. It is a haven of friendship, acceptance and tolerance in a world filed with hatred and ignorance. In a world where bigotry has become the norm, where history is buried to appease those in power, where books are banned and religious fanaticism is esteemed and where blacks, gays, migrants, everyone but white men are kept underfoot, Ybor City is a welcoming and safe place. It is a gem filled with a wealth of flavors, culture and history tucked on the outskirts of downtown Tampa.

"All who come to this happy place, welcome" 
Walt Disney

Mayor Castor: Brightline, high speed rail service to Tampa is critical

Talks of a high-speed rail service to Tampa continue among city leaders. Many in the area believe a Brightline extension from Orlando to the Cigar City is a necessity.....Read More

Get ready to see Trump go to jail

We’ve seen politicians go to jail. We’ve seen a vice president of the United States — Spiro Agnew — resign to avoid any chance of going to jail. We have seen President Richard Nixon pardoned in order to keep him out of jail.

What we have never seen is a former president of the United States in jail. But now that is a real possibility, because Donald Trump can’t shut up and abide by a simple gag order.

Shapeshifter: Sunset Rick Scott

Here in Florida, a self-serving shapeshifter lurks, fueled by greed and political ambition. His name is Rick Scott.

Help Debbie Mucarsel-Powell defeat Rick Scott HERE

Florida Is Now The Craziest Political Battleground

Hands Off Rafah!

Is Florida Going Broke?

Help The Stogie

Israelis killing Palestinians ‘in cold blood’ in occupied West Bank

Nearly 1,500 Palestinians have been unlawfully killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank in the past 16 years – 98 percent of them civilians, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Each of them, like Taha and Ibrahim, has a story and loved ones who mourn them.

The frequency of the killings have spiked in recent years with Israel killing 509 Palestinians in 2023. That is more than double the number recorded by OCHA in any previous year.

In the first three months of this year, 131 Palestinians were killed, a higher rate of killing than the previous year, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

Sunday, May 12, 2024

CHOPSTICK in Ybor City

Crowbar - TIX

How Republicans conquered Florida


La Setima, Ybor City

Tampa's Famous Avenue

UN votes in favor of Palestinian membership: What does it signify?


Today, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of a Palestinian bid to become a full member, recommending the Security Council reconsider the matter. The motion, which grants the Palestinians significantly more rights to participate in General Assembly sessions, but not regular voting rights, was supported by 143 countries. The US vetoed a Security Council resolution last month that would have paved the way for that. Ahead of today's vote, Israel's ambassador to the world body shredded the UN charter, saying that was what countries who support Palestine's bid to join the UN were doing.

Sen. Bernie Sanders says 'Israel has broken international law' and 'American law': Full interview

Ybor life

7th Ave


Is this revenge for what Germans did to them?