Florida GOP

Monday, May 29, 2006

Dean: Frist's Scapegoating of LGBT Families is Wrong

Claiming that marriage "is under attack today," Bill Frist confirmed on Fox News Sunday yesterday that when Congress returns from Memorial Day recess he will use his power not to address critical priorities like the war in Iraq, skyrockeing health care costs and gas prices, the need to protect workers' pensions or raising the minimum wage, but rather will instead pander to the conservative base with a divisive measure.
Instead of finding solutions for the high cost of gasoline, or addressing the crippling costs of health care and the tens of millions of uninsured, Bill Frist and the Republican Senate will bring the divisive Federal Marriage Amendment to the floor of the Senate for a vote, using marriage as a wedge issue, and scapegoating LGBT Americans once again for political gain.....more


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