Florida GOP

Friday, May 26, 2006

E-Mail From One Of Stogie's Conservative Friend's

Hey Stogie,

Thanks for the great picture of our fearless, gun-toten number 2 guy. I
you to step away from the mushroom tea and get real!!!!

I had a good laugh, but I'd like to see you socialists/communists help
nation get a fair tax installed so we rich, money making Republicans
can pay
the same tax as you rich, money making (ie Howard Dean) leftist do and
neither side can complain about "tax breaks". Check it out, dude....

Is it Football season yet?

KT sr

First: The Stogie is getting old. the only tea Stogie drink's now is Green Tea.

Second: What would give KT the idea The Stogie is a socialist or a communist? I think The Stogie makes it very clear where he is coming from.....is this just a typical right wing response?....The GOP, and everyone else is a communist?......In case KT forgot, there use to be a strong second party in this country. and by the looks of things they might be on their way back.

Third: Tax Cuts? Who are you fooling? You guys have been putting it to the rest of us since 2000. The latest here ......The last 6 years here. Thanks for looting the treasury and putting our children's future in debt.

Fourth: The Stogie has been to many DFA meeting's, and he doesn't remember many rich folk's there.

As for http://www.fairtax.org/

Stogie is still researching

luv ya, The Stogie

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