Florida GOP

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Cindy Chavez more


  1. Here is some of Cindy’s votes that not only wasted our money, but were considered illegal by the courts:
    $8 Million court judgment the use of eminent domain at the Tropicana,
    $3 Million court judgment on the Fox-Markovitz building
    $36 Million court judgment on the County Fairgrounds and the
    $36 Million that the court set-aside for the NSJ Plan

    And consider here votes here:

    $4 Million deal struck for the Grand Prix without public review,
    $8 Million spent for a temporary convention center tent,
    $40 Million spent to date on a ball park site that has no team, no public support and has yet to be put to a vote.
    There was the $11,000,000 paid to Norcal Waste that the city was not legally required to pay (a deal which is now being investigated by the D.A.)

    Then there were her votes to destroy our historic resources.

    She voted to demolish Del Monte Plant #3 rather than reusing the most historic portions for artist lofts and affordable housing.
    She voted to destroy the Fox-Markovitz building and I.B.M. building #25, which qualifies for the National Register of Historic Places.
    In the debate, at the California Theater, she said she was willing to throw the design guidelines for the National Historic Commercial District out the window. Previously, she had voted to approve those same guidelines.

    Wasted tax payers’ money, broken laws, destroyed historic resources and a blatant disregard for the public process are the reasons I will not vote for Chavez.

    I would not vote for any of the three incumbents who contributed to the mess we are in now, but Chavez clearly has the worst record.

  2. Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
