Florida GOP

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Miami school board bans Cuba book

Educational authorities in the US city of Miami have voted in favour of removing a controversial book about Cuba from the city's school libraries.....more


  1. Children should be exposed to the truth. The book is full of lies about Cuba. For instance, that all cubans are happy and have a great future in the communist island. It doesn't says anything about the ones that leave by boat and die in the Florida Straits. More cubans have died in the Florida Straits leaving the accursed island that soldiers have died in Afghanistan and Iraq combined (include the Desrt War also). That'shy the book was banned.

  2. dear ogm 38, thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. i am cuban-american myself. left the island in 1962, i was 6 years old. i did not know the hardships back then becouse i was so young and parents took care of me. i am a history buff and have read all about castro's cuba. i am not a fan of this despot. i just dont like the idea of banning books. it is censorship......peace
