Florida GOP

Thursday, June 1, 2006

The Chicks Rule
#1 Billboard Chart's

It was clear that a neoconservative blood oath had been sworn against the most successful female group not just in the history of country music, but of all musical genres--having sold more than 30 million albums and CDs prior at the time the assault began. Conservatives may not keep all their promises, but they kept this one. With the approach of the late May release date for Taking The Long Way, the group's first album since Maines spoke up in London, the trashing began. At an Academy of Country Music awards ceremony in March, singer Reba McEntire read a scripted line about how she could host the event because, "[If] the Dixie Chicks can sing with their foot in their mouth, then I can do anything!"

Reba Who's Eating Feet Now?

Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and the rest of the right-wing ranters picked up the chorus and, by the time of the CDs finally hit the stores the official line was that the Chicks were finished as major stars. Country fans would abandon them. Country radio would not play unapologetic tracks such as the single "Not Ready to Make Nice." Congressman Kingston --

From his blog:
Chick's With Hit's

Last week, Congressman Kingston noted that America’s Bush-bashing-Democratic-divas, the Dixie Chicks, should stand clear of the political scene and focus more on their music.
According to the progressive magazine,
The Nation, this blog may have helped push their sales to the top. (Sorry about that.)

Conservative politicians, pundits and political writers — from Georgia Congressman Jack Kingston to Media Research Council president L. Brent Bozell and bloggers by the dozen — couldn’t wait to trash Natalie Maines, Martie Maguire and Emily Robison for releasing a new album that refused to make nice with President Bush and the thought police who screech “shut up and sing” every time a musician expresses an opinion.

We were starting to get upset until
John Nichols said this in his story:

Congressman Kingston –who, it should be said, maintains the most entertaining offical blog of anyone in Washington–used his “Jack’s Blog” to muse that Maines and her compatriots made a big mistake when they started talking politics.

Happy, happy, joy, joy! We welcome all of our Democratic readers to Jack’s Blog,
including our friends in Nancy Pelosi’s shop. Hehehe.

Who Is This Jack Guy? Do Not Click Here Do Click Reba And Tell Her How You Feel.

Taking the Long Way has shot to Number 1 on Billboard's country music chart and the overall Billboard 200 chart. In its first full week of availability, the latest release from the Dixie Chicks sold 526, 000 units. That's a way better entry into the charts than the latest release from Toby Keith, the country star who has been lionized by conservatives for his bombastic songs and his rhetoric cheapshots at the Chicks. Keith's White Trash With Money mustered sales of 330,000 in its first week.

What Is That 196.000 More Unit's Mr. Keith? The Chick's Have Crossed Over, Something You Will Never Be Able To Do. No White Trash Here.

This is sweet. Waiting a long time for this.

"turned my whole world around, and I kind of like it."......Natalie Maines


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