Florida GOP

Monday, June 19, 2006

Stogie was reading Kos and came upon this story about this .org called
So he checked up on it. they say they are non-partisan
Move America Forward is a non-partisan
But then these are the guys in charge
MAF Board of Directors:
More checking
Howard Kaloogian's backed U.S. detention policies at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by selling
Melanie Morgan - opinionated right-winger Source Watch
Robert "Buzz" Patterson author of New York Times best sellers,
Dereliction of Duty: How Bill Clinton Compromised America's National Security,
and his recent release, Reckless Disregard: How Liberal Democrats Undercut Our Military, Endanger Our Soldiers, and Jeopardize Our Security,Buzz has established himself as a respected, frequently requested voice for national security and military affairs.
Still dont get how those two books makes him a voice on national security and military affairs.
Well Stogie knows where these guys are coming from, lets just moveon

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