Florida GOP

Saturday, July 15, 2006

'We're going to open war'
"You wanted open war. We are going to open war," Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah told Hezbollah television....more

U.S. Christian organizations back Lebanon operation
Jewish and pro-Israel Christian groups in both Israel and the United States voiced a chorus of support for the Israel Defense Forces' actions yesterday, the second day of fighting on the northern border....more

"This was certainly an unprovoked attack and Israel has every right to go in and pound them," said Ray Sanders, executive director of Christian Friends of Israel. "

Blood on the streets
In Lebanon, the death toll from three days of air strikes and shelling rose to 65, most of them civilians.....more
US prepares to evacuate nationals from Lebanon
Italy began evacuating its nationals from Lebanon Saturday while the United States, France and the Netherlands prepared to do the same as Israeli planes pounded the country....more
The Hawks All Around Got What They Wanted. May Their God Have Mercy On Them All. As For These U.S. Christian Organizations, Stogie Recommends VIONEX Antimicrobial Soap. It Is Very Good At Getting Blood Off Your Hands.

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