Florida GOP

Monday, November 6, 2006

As Bush Campaigns, Newsweek Says GOP Numbers Drop

The most recent Newsweek poll shows that Bush’s approval rating has fallen to 35% and the Democratic advantage in the generic ballot question has now increased to 16 points amongst likely voters. Newsweek reports that as Bush travels the country, their poll has found that support for GOP candidates actually falls........more

1 comment:

  1. Man, you have got to get some better facts......The Newsweek poll was on voters, not support for Bush....two separate items, and just to murky it up for you, a PEW research poll indicates a definite slide to GOP......

    Sept 21-Oct 4 saw a likely voter number of: GOP 40; DEM 53

    The Nov 1-4 poll showed likely voters of: GOP 43; DEM 47

    Within 3%......PEW has a good record, far better than the liberal Newsweek. Read all the polls, my friend, before hanging your hat on one!

