Florida GOP

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Scott Cochran's
Letter to the Tribune: A Step Backward

On Tuesday, America took a step forward while Florida, and Tampa Bay in particular, took a step backward. It's as if a new leadership across the United States is pulling the country into the 21st century, while Florida voters are still trying to drag us back to the 19th. Particularly puzzling is that Ronda Storms will actually be a part of our state government, no doubt pushing the same old gay-bashing, anti-science, hard-right social agenda.
And people in U.S. House District 9 should be downright embarrassed to be sending Gus Bilirakis, who can barely understand the simplest issues or organize a coherent thought, to Washington. If we don't want to be viewed by the rest of the country as a bunch of backward simpletons, we have a lot of work to do. 2008 starts now.

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