Florida GOP

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tampa, The City Of Nose Pickers
To Borrow A Phrase From Neil Rogers
After reading the local blogs all week i thought for sure Mr. Redner would win this election. What Happened? Where were all the progressive democrats, is this the best we can do? I have nothing against Gwen Miller but Mr. Redner would of given this city a voice it has needed for along time. Maybe blogs and the people that read them are not as influential as they think they are.

1 comment:

  1. I more picture this being the facts: EVERY twisted church in this nose-picking city (especially Without Walls and a few others in s. tampa) probably got together and coerced their 'members' into voting for Gwen. (again, not that I have anything against her)

    Churches are political and so are the firemen and pba.
    I'm still kinda surprised that Joe lost.
