Florida GOP

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Amsterdam's Window Prostitutes $66.58
Visitors flood red-light district
Amsterdam's sex workers came to work early on Saturday to offer a free look at the city's famed red-light district. The district -- a warren of narrow alleys and canals lined with sex shops, brothels and neon signs - - is as big an attraction as Amsterdam's art museums and coffee shops, where marijuana is freely smoked and sold......more....What A Country!


  1. We give very serious consideration to moving to Amsterdam. I am enamored with their pragmatic outlook. Of course, that lessens the capitalist approach for some who pretend to fight a drug war (phhffttt) while merely selectively busting one group to help another up the ladder ... as here in Tampa.
    Homelessness is not legal in some places in Europe. BUT, instead of ignoring the people as they do here in Not so greater Tampa and St Pete ,they provide a home with minimum bed table two chairs and telly.
    Then, there's this guy: http://www.share-international.org/archives/homelessness/hl-Holland.htm

    I hope the last decent person in America remembers to shut the lights out and leave these scavengers in this 'invisible invasion' to turn on each other. As usual.

  2. The Dutch aren't so hospitable to immigrants these days, returning to the ways of their colonizing past.
    Yet... I think we might solve the problem of unpalatable prostitution in Seminole Heights in a way not quite as ridiculous as the SE Sem Heights flash light brigade. Put them in windows (like we used to have downtown in Tampa!) a la Amsterdam. That will give the newbies the culture they are yearning for.
