Florida GOP

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Democrats Lose War In Iraq
The "Stab in the Back" Trap
The Democrats and the peace movement are walking into a trap. The Republicans are preparing with Rovian cunning to focus the mind of the public on the question: Who lost Iraq? And they are already giving the answer: The Democrats and the peace movement......more
In the aftermath of the Vietnam war, Democrats and the peace movement were smeared for "losing Vietnam." This campaign was largely successful because the public was never given a full picture of the real purposes of the war and the full machinations of those who fomented it.


  1. That's all they've been gunning for all along. A misleading headline on your part. I see Amy Goodman do this, too. There is no currency in repeating inflammatory and erroneous statements, even with the utmost sarcasm.
    The Democrats will fix this. The troops have spoken.
    The TROOPS are ACTIVELY seeking a way out of Iraq.
    Who the fuck cares whose 'fault' it is that a war ends? Who calls it a 'loss'? Don't feed into that stuff.
    The Republicans can do all the pointing they want; it's all they have. They're fucked because of what they've DONE. And, I'm not saying the Democrats are THAT much better. But they're not goose-stepping, torturing, trough-tipping-over-slurping, MEDIA-STEALING THUGS.
    And along those lines is where you should form 'our' 'spin.'
    Anything else is feeding in to the big lie. It's NOT worth it for someone to read your stuff to mislead them or to get something like this on the web. I have put provocative headlines out, too but quickly realized that's not the type of blogging I'm trying to do. I'm trying to reach certain folks and it's working. I'm going to do it with honesty and forthrightness.
    Oh and DESPITE what a bunch of asshole 'unified' bloggers think. LOL

  2. My bad. I refer to Randi Rhodes. NOT the beloved Amy Goodman. If you can fix that, please do.

    When I hear Rhandi Rhodes' show .... that's what she does sometimes --- repeats erroneous info in a sarcastic manner. That's STILL repeating it. Wrong move.
