Florida GOP

Monday, April 23, 2007

Hispanics Not Welcomed!
In The Liberal Enclave Of Seminole Heights

Some people in Seminole Heights, known for its arts community and aged bungalows, are irritated. The Hispanic restaurants, they say, are taking over. Some who have lived here for years now feel discriminated against because they can't read Spanish menus or communicate with waiters. Others say Hispanic restaurants don't serve their neighborhood, that they attract outsiders.......more

Wasn't Viva la Frida A Mexican Restaurant? "The beloved neighborhood landmark", Please! If SH Had Supported Angelica She Would Still Be There. "They attract outsiders" What Kind Of Remark Is That? It's A Restaurant. If They Had To Count On Only SH Showing Up They Would Go Broke. What A Bunch Of Racist Snobs. I Guess It's True The Poop Doesn't Smell In Seminole Heights................Also @............. here


  1. As a resident of this area I'll say this quick: it's NOT the restaurants it's the families they are dragging in. These are not representative of spanish folks anymore than jeffrey dahmer is representative of white men everywhere. They are thugs and gang-members. They came on purpose. They did this on purpose. They attempt to intimidate other/longer-term residents from their homes. This is completely planned and sanctioned by the City of Tampa and it's various law enforcement and other agencies. Property in Tampa is extremely lucrative at this time (and don't believe that bullshit the tampa trib spews to the opposite) ... and the more gang members can scare savvy residents out of their property with the help of every dept in the city .... the less it will cost to GRAB this property.
    Hispanics (TRUE representatives of the hispanic cultures) are as appalled by this incendiary, violent and base behavior as my white ass is.
    They might pretend they are not but they are lying either to you or to me. Who could be proud of actions thus? They are responsible for mayhem but let's not blame that on 'hispanics' let's place that blame squarely where it belongs: on the city, the PTB, the biker gangs and city employees and county employees who enable this and the utility workers who enable this. It makes me VERY angry that gangsters, gang-members and criminals attempt to portray a culture as "bad" ... no one is going to fall for this shit for much longer. If I have to see to it personally. These are not hispanics, these are NOT illegal immigrants. They are gang-members. Plain and simple. Call a spade a spade.

  2. Seminole Heights needs to get over itself. I think Seminole Heights residents should build a wall around their "special" neighborhood to protect themselves from the ills of diversity. Pleeez! It's all about money and the fear that their property values will go down. I say "big whoop" to Seminole Heights!

  3. dude, they already BUILT the wall. They got permission to do it because they built a hockey ring in the projects. That no one uses.
    I have to laugh my ass off. All these pretentious people and the hate-mongers.

  4. I love in Seminole Heights, the east part! We are not pretentious and don't give a damn who our neighbors are so long as they take care of their property and are reasonably well behaved. The spanish comments (I am spanish, by the way) are unfortunate and do NOT reflect the opinion of the people I know who live here....most of whom are white, middle America people. The objection they have, and I also, is we are bereft of restaurants, and two things we do not need any more of is Pizza or Spanish food. We have plenty. We want variety. Is that unreasonable?

  5. Hipanic restaurants bring in GANGS!
    Conspiracy to seed quaint neighborhood with rapers and pillagers! All dripping ropa vieja from their jowlS!

  6. Hey, if a bad reporter can take something out of context to generate a false story to sell issues (or keep his job?), I guess it's okay for a blogger to do the same thing right?

    Fact: Viva la Frida's failed because Angelica, the driving force behind it, took a "vacation" for a year prior to her divorce and essentially stopped managing the restaurant. The hours became inconsistent, open for lunch some days but not others or open for some evenings but not others. You never knew when to go. The food was good. The atmosphere was funky. But the service was so terrible people couldn't bring themselves to try it again.

    Seminole Heights is starving for good restaurants. Even mediocre places like the Front Porch get good business. You have to drive your customers away to not be "supported". Angelica went out of business because of her own personal life issues and not because the residents of Seminole Heights shunned her.

    The bottom line is _no_ business deserves to be "supported" by it's customers. Businesses have to earn their customers the hard way. Bad businesses should fail to make room for better ones. And right now, I can eat nearly every variety of pizza, latin, or south-american food known to man in Seminole Heights but I cannot get a decent steak or seafood dinner, no sit-down asian, no non-pizza italian, or anything else. Most of my considerable dining-out budget goes to Ybor and SoHo.

    But hey, taking those sentiments out of context makes great racist drama, doesn't it? No journalistic integrity required.
