Florida GOP

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Operation Bright Eyes
Expanding to improve and enhance public safety in neighborhoods
Bright House Networks first launched Operation Bright Eyes in 2005 in Tampa

1 comment:

  1. Big surprise there. These guys and verizon are WAY part of the problem. Verizon and this place right to your door. They are all about tracking. Big brother.

    Not to be mean or anything but I wouldn't let most of the current brighthouse or verizon employees anywhere near me. Just seeing them on the street glaring around is scary enough.
    Anyone who doesn't see this ... you ain't looking.
    Verizon comes to town. The death tolls rise, houses empty out, branches all cut down, public access tv goes away, and shitty gentrication starts.

    Verizon = PNAC
    I'll have to blog what I know about this when I have time. hehe.
