Florida GOP

Monday, April 30, 2007

Seminole Heights Strikes Back
Nothing like taking a story out of context and jumping to the wrong conclusions. The St. Pete Times latched on to a discussion back in February about the encroachment of latino-oriented restaurants upsetting the neighborhood. Of course it didn't take long for someone without all the facts to pull a Johnny Cochrane and immediately cry foul, and claim we're all a bunch of stuck up racists in Seminole Heights......more

1 comment:

  1. Seminole Heights was NEVER like that --- most of the people were pretty cool. I attribute this to the 'new people' (been here less than thirty years types) in seminole heights. One of whom is Randy Baron who came and brought this, starbucks and other completely useless enterprise to this neighborhood utterly destroying the charm and yesteryear that once graced those streets. There are many others but that name is out front running for office. I don't like what was done to seminole heights and I don't want more of that influence in tampa.
    anyway ............... it's why I speak out. They put a new face on that area and it's NOT attractive and the old face was friendly and cool. Now it's a bunch of those new people and gangsters and unaware residents and some gangsters pretending they are one or the other and it's just not a good place like it was. No good for the residents, no good for tampa. It doesn't even LOOK pretty.
    And to think Tampa people used to tell us northerners to go home but they are arms around these current newyorkers embracing the hell out of the 'way they do it in new york' NOW, why would THAT BE? Oh, unless someone came and took control ... like say ... THE MASONS. The more I keep talking the more people will know. The longer I am harassed the more I will talk. It's a give and take. To the REAL residents of Seminole Heights: Fight back.
