Florida GOP

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Truckloads Of Food Worth More Than $40 million Are Being Thrown Away
After FEMA Ran Out Of Storage Space
As many as 6 million prepared meals stockpiled near potential victims of the 2006 hurricane season spoiled in the Gulf Coast heat last summer when the Federal Emergency Management Agency ran short of warehouse and refrigeration space. Most of the meals were commercial versions of the military's Meals Ready to Eat, which were ruined despite being engineered to withstand the demands of desert and jungle climates......here

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... 6 million meals worth $43 million? That's somewhere around $7 a pop for "Meals Ready to Eat." What I'd like to know is which GOP shills own the companies which provide this stuff.

    Cripes, who plans this crap? You're average backwoods Kentucky hunter can do a better job planning and stockpiling stores of foodstuffs for survival purposes.

    Even I, an average suburbanite, know that my bomb shelter can be stocked with canned beans and other crops, sealed packages of ground corn and wheat meals, and other such edibles for a cost of around $1.20 a meal. And they last for many years.

    Too many cronies, too many posturing idiots, too much wasted money.

    And just in time for April 15th - Damned... just Damned. These f#%cks are totally disconnected from reality.
