Florida GOP

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Vox Populi Ruffles "Media Lizzys" Knickers
Finally, I stand by my statements about being a Republican - no matter who the elected leadership is. It is the principles that matter to me, not the leadership. It's a bit like loving the Atlanta Braves, no matter how good or bad a season - and whether or not they make it to the playoffs. I'm a Republican. Full Stop......here

1 comment:

  1. Into the fray.

    You'll like media lizzy. She's going to make a good liberal democrat. I sense a very independent streak in her despite all the party hoorahs. AND... she's cute. Everyone knows that Democratic and Independent women make better babes.

    She's human. Not a quality one finds so often in a staunch Republican. Seriously, all my republican friends who are human are slipping me things like the rolling stones ad selling counters of how many days we have left of george. None of them will admit to voting for him twice. Those dubya stickers are disappearing madly.
    Keep talking with her. I can't even remember how I found her blog but she outraged me right away and well ... things went from there....
