Florida GOP

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bartlett Park And Seminole Heights
A Little Difference
In The Park They Have Block Parties - In The Heights They Throw Mixers
In The Heights They Have Blood Drives - In The Park They Have Food Drives
In The Park They Have A Fish Fry - In The Heights They Worry About Not Having Cool Places To Eat
The Heights Is Like "Big Old House" - In The Park They Have A Financial Fitness Class
In The Park They Get Grants To Start A Citizens Patrol - The Heights Lobby For Menus They Can Read
Just A Thought

1 comment:

  1. Problem is that the Seminole Heights/Restaurant story you referenced is inaccurate -- a purpose trick by the reporter.

    All S.H. people want is a diversity in dining options. The reporter, who (lazily) took facts from a blog (sad), then altered them (libelous) created a (false) story he could grab peoples' attention with.

    I think both our communities can appreciate a desire for diverse eating options, whether they are forced to eat pizza every day or latin food. Not many people can do that without getting tired of there choices.

    See for yourself. Here's the blogs the reporter based his story on:

