Florida GOP

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Hague
Home To The International Criminal Court
Established in 2002 as a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression, although it cannot currently exercise its jurisdiction over the crime of aggression. The court can only prosecute crimes committed on or after July 1, 2002, the date its founding treaty, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, entered into force. As of May 2007, 104 states are members of the Court, and a further 41 countries have signed but not ratified the Rome Statute. However, a number of states, including the United States, China and India, continue to oppose it......Wikipedia
With All The Talk Of Impeachment, I Like This Idea Better, Just A Thought


  1. it still amazes me that we have this criminal in office. Disgusting

  2. Keep dreaming, you and your liberal friends belong behind bars as people who hate this country. George Bush is a god!!!!!!

  3. The above typically from the same 'type' people who go to church every week under the guise of worshiping god but more likely to worship money --- that and love of george being their most common thread. This same poster was at my site. Who is it?
    It's someone who can't sleep. LOL! Maybe thinking what their god has DONE.
