Florida GOP

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Steal From The Poor, Give To The Rich
Not In Riviera Beach, Florida
Two national advocacy groups dropped lawsuits Thursday against this downtrodden city aimed at stopping one of the nation's largest eminent domain projects after the city said it would not force residents from their homes. The move comes one year after Florida enacted a law that prohibits the use of eminent domain for private development. It Was This Guys Idea, Mayor Michael Brown, But he was ousted from office in March, and a new city council and mayor pledged to abide by state law......more

1 comment:

  1. This is what they should do in Tampa. Out with the thieves and in with something different. Why is it that people are so astute at recognizing corruption from afar but when it's right in front of them they feign ignorance????????

    Just look around. All of Tampa paying to fix South Tampa's build out problems. This administration forcing people from and harassing people IN their homes. It's very fucked up in Tampa and it started with Pam taking the helm.
    It's past the point she can pretend she does not know while the city buys dozens of hybrid vehicles and the homeless population burgeons !
    They are all complicit but let's have that sports arena ... and the fireworks and the nine million palm trees for the superbowl which takes more money than it brings.
    Tampa is SICK and needs a vaccination.
