Florida GOP

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Turks Know How To Throw A Rally
Why Can't We Do That?
More than a million demonstrators took to the streets in Turkey today demanding their country remain a secular republic. The protesters say they feel the pro-Islamic ruling party threatens the nation's modern foundations......more

"No way for sharia"


  1. Here's what it takes. It takes actually going out your front door and joining those who ARE out there fighting. I see what's going on because I'm THERE and because I dig out the truth by not relying on MSM to report what Americans are doing to take back their government. My friends in Manhattan reported that the streets were clogged on the last peace rally. The pictures displayed over one hundred thousand peace and impeachment wagers.
    That's not what the MSM said who reported just a few thousand milling about.
    So, anyone who wonders why we can't 'throw a good rally'.... should be out there helping.
    Can't leave it all up to someone else or the senior citizens. It requires sacrifice and commitment to take action.

  2. I try to make every rally i can. New York is a little far for me right now. The last rally we had localy on St Pattys day in St. Pete there was no one there. was the green beer more important?
