Florida GOP

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bush Has Turned His Back on the American People
Howard Dean
Bush's veto of life-saving stem cell research is just another example of how out of touch he is with the American people, Bush once again put political posturing ahead of sound science,turning his back on the overwhelming majority of Americans who support stemcell research and the 100 million Americans suffering from debilitating diseases who could benefit from this life-saving science.....here

1 comment:

  1. I can see how you are dissapointed. Because of my own illness I've researched embrionic stem cell and was very dissapointed to learn that Presendent Clinton could have resovled the issue while he is was in office, but declined to even discuss the issue. Also, private companies are using embrionic stem cells in research studies. Popular Science has published an article detailing how Adult stem cells are performing better in tests than embbrionic stem cells. We can suport the private companies by investing in them!
